31 commits
to main
since this release
In this new release, a lot of security and improvements have taken place. for the protection itself those are the changes:
- A whole lot of optimizations.
- Security improvement for the detection of browsers by detecting the publisher name.
- Even stronger anti tamper and added memory protection for browsers that prevents memory stealers from stealing data from the browser memory. (available for X Mode only)
- Now auto-injection checks if the process was the same arch as the process
for the installer:
- Improved the installer update checking system.
- Added "Browser detection view" option that detects the installed browsers on the system and view their support status.
- Added installer arguments which can make working with the installer more efficient and make other programs use or install NoMoreCookies without editing the source code (like direct install) and you can find all the supported arguments here.
- Fixed a bug which prevents the uninstallation of NoMoreCookies (or usage of the installer in general) if the required files for installation only in the components folder was not there.