This project uses a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) to predict flowers of 5 types using the flower recognition dataset on Kaggle.
There are 5 types of flowers that are predicted and trained on:
- Daisy
- Dandelion
- Rose
- Sunflower
- Tulip
There are 4242 images in the original dataset.
I use a simple CNN to do training and predictions. The CNN has 18 layers. Cross Entropy is used for loss and Adam is used as the optimizer. I use ReLu within my layers as the activation function. Within my CNN, I take advantage of maxpooling.
The images are first preprocessed by flipping them horizontally to add more data, resized to 32x32, center cropped to 32x32, changed to a pytorch tensor and fianlly normalized ((0.5,0.5,0.5),(0.5,0.5,0.5)).
I have managed a 97% accuracy during training.
- You will need to change the directories been used in the code to wherever you have stored the data.
Link to the data: