An online application created to offer users the best pharmaceutical shopping experience with an incredible UI, thanks to an intuitive interface and robust functionality.
You can choose between two modes when entering the app:
1. Customer Mode: shopping, browsing products, adding to your cart, and making purchases.
2. Admin Mode: manage, create, and delete product data within the shop.![](/Afek-Sakaju/gold-pharma-shop/raw/main/readme-resources/medicine-logo.png)
npm install
Install all the necessary packages for running and developing the project.npm run json-server
To run the project's database.npm run start
For running the project.
- ReactJS : the project is built on the ReactJS framework.
- JSON-Server used to work with the database as a JSON file, sending API requests to retrieve, edit, create, or delete data.
- Styled-Components : the project's styling is implemented using styled-components.
- Redux-toolkit : by employing Redux-toolkit, the project achieves resilient state management, enabling seamless data flow and heightened functionality.
- React-router-dom : enabling the creation of multiple pages and configuring different page for each path.
- ESLINT : the project adheres to the ESLint guidelines and follows the best practices recommended by airbnb.
- Responsiveness: the application is intentionally designed to adapt to screens of various sizes by utilizing media queries within its components. This ensures that the user interface adjusts seamlessly to different screen dimensions.
- Integration with API: for background removal of uploaded products’ images to enhance the UI and overall aesthetics.
Afek Sakaju
- LinkedIn: @afeksa
- GitHub: @Afek-Sakaju