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ClimMob v1.1

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@kauedesousa kauedesousa released this 08 Aug 07:49
· 237 commits to master since this release

ClimMob-analysis v1.1 (2020-08-08)


  • Analitical process was moved to a single script "R/analysis_climmob.R"
  • Dynamic statements for the report based on the in-putted data and results from analysis. This will also make less complicated to translate the report to other languages
  • Code is wrapped in a tryCatch() to prevent crashes when a non-expected behaviour in the data occurs. When any error occurs during the analysis the script will return a "failed report" with a message asking the user to contact ClimMob supporting service.
  • The process now produce the reports for projects with only one characteristic, the 'overall_performance', which is mandatory. If overall_performance is missing the script will return the "failed report".
  • Rankings can be build with more than 3 items per participant using, which will build the rankings with rank_tricot() when 3 items or with rank_numeric() when 4+ items. Projects with 4 or more items (to be tested by each participant) can now be enabled in

Changes in behaviour

  • New argument (arg[10]) is added for the reference item (from a discussion with IITA and Cornell). The argument can be NULL or NA (which will take the first item as reference) or a character string selected by the user which should match with one of the items tested in the project.
  • Map is build with package leaflet
  • New packages added leaflet and multcompView
  • Coordinates in the report map (if any) are clustered in groups with a resolution of 0.05, to comply with the participant's privacy.