YouTube Video Summarizer is a Python script that takes a YouTube video URL as input and generates a summary of its content. It extracts the YouTube video ID, retrieves the video's transcript, stores the transcript as a document, and then uses a summarization algorithm to generate a concise summary of the video's content.
- Clone this repository to your local machine.
- Install the required Python packages by running the following command:
Run the
script and provide the YouTube video URL as an argument:(Replace "VIDEO_ID" with the actual YouTube video ID.)
The script will extract the YouTube video ID, fetch the transcript, and store it as a text document.
The script will then generate a summary of the video's content and display it on the console.
The script requires an active internet connection to access YouTube and retrieve the transcript. Make sure you have the required Python packages installed
- Python version=3.10
- openai
- langchain
- youtube-transcript-api(for Linux and MacOS)
- tiktoken
- openai key
Happy summarizing!