- Take weeks and even months using powerful GPUs in Google or Microsoft Servers.
- Need huge data set
- Millions of parameters
Used to train Deep Neural Nets with small dataset, even in CPUs and only a few thousands of parameters will be trained.
We will learn how to use state-of-the-art Deep Learning models to solve a Supervised Image Classification problem using our own datasets with/without GPU acceleration.
Pre-trained Deep Neural Nets trained on the ImageNet challenge are made public and available in Keras.
is a huge image dataset used to help researchers and educators in computer vision track. you can check it from here http://www.image-net.org/
** The main idea based on first or ealier layers extract the general features of any objects ** So we can use this feature and using the depth or last layers to extract the specific features of our objects we want to classify or recognize.
The pre-trained models we will consider are VGG16, VGG19, Inception-v3, Xception, ResNet50, InceptionResNetv2 and MobileNet.
These models for binary classification and currently i will adjust it for multiclassification also.
The code is easy and simple so, you can edit it to run on your owen dataset.