This repo is for the Urban Autonomous'20 subteam (ASU Racing team).
Every member should push any change to the code after taking confirmation from the board and proving that his code is working well within system.
- Any codes that need to be enhanced or not working should be submitted to the branch to which it relates.
- All codes should be written in a profissional way with good sizing and logically-named variables.
- The codes should handle every expected exceptions and raise warnings to reduce the time of debugging.
- The codes should be commented and readable.
- All codes should be written as classes with include files. Functions and big mains will not be accepted.
These are some of the useful steps that you will always use with git.
- To clone the current repo you have to just type this command:
git clone
- To add files to the repo that matches the specs above:
cd /path/to/cloned/file
git add <name_of_file>
git commit -m "messege"
The messege contains what did you commit to the repo
- In case you needed to remove this commit:
git reset <file-to-be-removed>
git commit -m "messege"
- Pushing code into the repo:
git pull origin master
git push origin master
- Open branch and pushing new feature code into it: