CMSIS_5 RTOS_v2 RTX_5.5.2
CMSOS-RTOS2 documentation page
Make sure stm32cubeMX dones't generete three NVIC handler which are SVC PendSV and SysTick. If you want to HAL_Delay or LL_mDelay function, you can select one TIM as no RTOS timebase of MCU.
Add SVC PendSV and SysTick NVIC handler assambly file form RTOS/RTX/Source/ARM/irq_cm4f.s to MDK-ARM project. If you want to use GCC or IAR tool set, then select the appropriate file.
Add RTX source file to your project which from directory RTOS/RTX/Source.
Add config file from RTOS/RTX/RTX_Config.c (not necessary).
Add RTX os tick functions implement which from directory Drivers/CMSIS/RTOS2/Source/os_systick.c
Add header files path to your project.