Please enable the location to view the present time day and date This website uses OpenWeatherMap API to fetch longotude,latitide,humidity,pressure,Windspeed,Sunrise,Sunset This website not only shows the present weatherforecast but also upcoming 7 days forecast also. Thank you
Developed a responsive weather forecast app using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Bootstrap, Node.js, and other tools. The app accurately forecasts the weather for the upcoming 7 days and provides information on today's humidity, pressure, wind speed, sunrise time, sunset time, and minimum/maximum temperature for the next 7 days.
Developed a user-friendly interface that allows users to easily access the weather information they need. Ensured the app's accuracy by utilizing various APIs to collect and analyze weather data. Implemented a responsive design that allows the app to be used on different devices, including mobile and desktop. Successfully integrated the app with various third-party services to provide additional weather-related information. Continuously maintained and updated the app to ensure that it provides the most accurate and up-to-date weather information.