This repository is now deprecated and not under maintenance, but you can still fork it if you consider it can be useful to create a new similar project.
Yeoman generator for simple frontend development using gulp, stylus, nunjucks and jshint. This generator is designed to be used in small/medium websites that don't require the complexity of any js framework or the usage of ES2015/2016. For bigger projects, you should look for more specific generators.
First, install Yeoman and generator-frontend-dev using npm (we assume you have pre-installed node.js).
npm install -g yo
npm install -g generator-frontend-dev
Then generate your new project:
yo frontend-dev
And it's done! You can now run gulp and start to code!
Yeoman will try to install all the node and bower dependencies that you need to work, but if it fails you will have to run npm install and bower install before coding. Also, you need to install the following global packages:
npm install -g gulp bower stylus jshint
It basically uses stylus and nunjucks to help you to keep your html/css code modularized (of course, these files are compiled into html/css...). But there are some extra stuff you are able to do, such as...
- Add 'active' classes in your navbar, or any other section-dependant css class, without repeating code
- Code without worrying about vendor prefixes
- Run a local server using an avaibalbe port
- Automatically concatenate all your code
- Automatically concatenate your bower dependencies
- Improve the quality of your js code
- Generate your own iconfont with custom svg images, without having to manually create the font files
- Minify all your images, styles, scripts and bower dependencies
- Use your favourite css framework. Because not everyone likes to use bootstrap.
- Upload your compiled files to gh-pages
- Set your custom domain to gh-pages
Additionally, the stylus core of this generator comes with some useful mixins and classes (more information below).
Here is a short explanation of each file and directory that is generated (excluding the obvious ones...):
- .jshintrc: Contains the jshint settings, feel free to modify it. Learn more about it
- gulpfile.js: Main gulpfile that imports single gulptasks
- gulpconfig.js: Configuration file for paths and other values used in gulptasks.
- gulptasks/: A folder that contains individual files for each gulptask that is used by the main gulpfile.
- src/: All the code and resources that you will create to your project.
- js/: JS files
- app.js: JS file where you can set global properties and default values.
- templates/: Nunjucks files
- partials/: subfolder that contains the base layout, as well as navbar and footer files. You can add as many partials you need.
- base.njk: Base template (sections extend it)
- navbar.njk: Navigation var. It uses tag.
- footer.njk: It uses tag.
- sections/: subfolder that contains all the files that are going to be actual sections on your website.
- partials/: subfolder that contains the base layout, as well as navbar and footer files. You can add as many partials you need.
- styl/: Stylus files
- sections/
- partials/
- vars.styl: Contains declaration of variables
- mixins.styl: Contains declaration of mixins and functions
- fonts.styl: Declaration of fonts
- utils.styl: Utility classes that are not directly part of the website's styles.
- base.styl: Styles shared between all (or most) of sections and that are part of the website's styles. It includes navbar and footer files by default.
- main.styl: Imports all the other files.
- js/: JS files
vars.styl, mixins.styl and utils.styl files come with some useful resources.
vars.styl (All variables begin with $ symbol)
- Variables for font-weights (based on MDN name mapping).
- $baseFontSize: font-size of the whole (desktop) website.
- center-block(): Short alias for margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;
- remify(pxsize): Transforms a pixel-based size into a rem-based one (depends on $baseFontSize)
- rfont-size(baseSize, mediaSize, newSize, useMin [default: false]): Assigns a default font-size and a responsive sized based on the media query with the format '@media screen and (mediaType: mediaSize)', where the value of mediaType depends on the value of useMin (true -> min-width)
- simple-border(side, width, color, style [default: solid]): Creates a border.
- side parameter could take the following values: 'top', 'bottom', 'right', 'left', 'topbottom', 'leftright', 'notop', 'nobottom', 'noleft', 'noright', 'all'
- .cover: background-size: cover; background-position: center;
- .simple-parallax: Uses background-attachment property to emulate a parallax effect (although it's not the same). It is deleted on mobile devices.
- .vertical-center: Uses flexbox to allow you to finally center vertically anything (Use it in the parent element)
All the tasks, with the only exception of deploy can take the --production flag. If you don't use it, all the files will be compiled into the build/ directory. If you use it, the destination directory will be dist/, and all the resources are going to be minified. This is useful to keep the development and production final resources separated.
build:html: Renders nunjucks code into html files. Each .njk file inside /templates/sections is going to be rendered into an html file with the same name (e.g. contact.njk -> contact.html)
build:styles: Compiles stylus code into a single css file called main.css
build:scripts: Concatenates all files inside /js folder into a single js named as the project.
build:bower: Concatenates all css and js code of bower dependencies into single files that follow the structure project.libs.extension
copy:fonts: Copies both your custom fonts and bower dependencies' fonts.
copy:images: Copies all images to the destination folder.
server:run: Launches a localserver to serve all destination files
server:reload: Reloads the localserver.
create:cname: Creates a CNAME file with the domain that you want to use in your page
deploy: Uploads /dist folder to github pages.
build: Shorcut for all build:* tasks.
watch: Watches all build:* tasks
serve: Shorcut for server:run and server:reload
default: Launches build, watch and serve tasks.
- build:styles and build:scripts taks will concatenate your files in an alphabetical order (try not to create any js file that would be placed before app.js)
- If you use --production, create:cname will be included into the default task. Otherwise, serve and watch will take its place.
The gulpconfig file manages the paths that gulptasks will use to listen and create files, as well as some values such as the website domain (create:cname). Since you can look at it to see the paths values, we will explain just the last section of the file, the etc object.
- etc: Contains all values that are not paths and are needed in any gulptask.
- domain: Custom (and already bought) domain for your gh-page. Its default value is '' (empty string). You can use this value, as well as false, undefined and null, to tell the cname gulptask not to create CNAME file.
- projectName: Value that is used by build:html task to access to the original project name that you passed to the generator options.
- formattedName: This property is used by nunjucks templates to access to the project's formatted name (latinized, lowercased and with all spaces replaced by underscores). However, this property is an alias for the package variable of the gulpconfig file. This means that if you want to change its value you'd rather change the package's value, since outputs object also depends on this value.
Project name (default: directory name)
This is the name that will be used in the package.json and bower.json files. It's also the name of the index section.
Only-frontend project (default: true)
If false, the following gulptasks won't be available:
- build:html
- server (both run and reload)
- create:cname
- deploy
Additionally, the whole src/templates directory won't be generated.
CSS Framework (default: Bootstrap)
CSS Framework that you will use. This helps you by writing the proper bower overrides. If you don't choose any framework (=Other), normalize-css will be included instead.
Use Font Awesome (default: true)
It works just like the css framework option.
You can create a new section, with its respective nunjucks and stylus files, by running
yo frontend-dev:section
Section name (default: Contact)
Text that will be used in the title tag of this section. It's also the name of the file, formatted just as follows:
'About us' generates 'about_us.njk'
Create stylus file (default: true)
Lets you choose if you want to create the stylus empty file inside styl/sections
You can use the --name flag to change the default section name
yo frontend-dev:section --name='Gallery'
If your project was generated as an only-frontend one, this subgenerator won't be useful (nunjucks templates won't be compiled).
If after installing the generator you are still unable to use it? You may want to see this issue in the yeoman repository.
- Yeoman has a heart of gold.
- Yeoman is a person with feelings and opinions, but is very easy to work with.
- Yeoman can be too opinionated at times but is easily convinced not to be.
- Feel free to learn more about Yeoman.
MIT © Alan Sanchez