Project created by Alan Soto Valle
It was based on the capstone in the Ruby Module in Microverse
- About ruby-linter
- About The Project
- Linter examples
- [Ruby
- Setup for starting ruby linter
- Run ruby linter
- Authors
- Contributing
- Show your support
Ruby-linter was created with the intention of catching some syntax common errors in ruby files, such errors are:
- Unexpectected use of parenthesis
- Unexpectected use of ends
I created a linter for ruby files (files.rb) using Ruby.
The goals of this project are:
- Practice with OOP (Object Oriented Programming) using Ruby.
- Learn how to create and structure a Ruby project.
- Learn to manage the files with correct usage to make code maintainable.
- Practice Git Flow and Github Flow creating branches for different features and for version control.
- Practice to use of regex.
- Learn how to read whole files.
Examples of a bad and good use of parentheses
Examples of a bad and good use of do/if/while/def with end
- Ruby
To get a local copy up and running follow these simple example steps.
Computer running Mac OS, Windows, or Linux Ubuntu. Internet browser: Firefox, Google Chrome, Opera...
Have Ruby installed you can see this link for more detailed instructions Install Ruby
You MUST have Ruby installed in your system. If you don't have it installed you can go this page Install Ruby
After installing ruby, you can download the repo or clone it (paste on the terminal) [email protected]:AlanSoto31/ruby-linter.git
You will need to execute the main file located inside the bin folder. If you are using Window, follow next step.
Open the terminal and navigate to the folder using cd path-to-folder
containing ruby-linter Once you are inside, your terminal should look like this: User//oop-ruby/. You can type or paste this on terminal ruby bin/main.rb
to run the linter.
Most Mac and some of Linux computers come with ruby installed, but still need to verify by typing in your terminal ruby --version
if not please go back to Installation section.
After verifying you have ruby installed and completing the Installation section, open the terminal navigate using cd path-to-folder
containing the ruby-linter and run in the terminal ruby bin/main.rb
to run the linter.
After running main.rb you are going to see a demonstration of what the linter is going to catch, opening test.rb file automatically, in order to parse a different piece of code, you have two ways:
1.- Copy and paste the code you want to test inside test.rb file 2.- Replace the test.rb file with you own file but remember to keep "test" as file's name
👤 Alan Soto
- Github: @AlanSoto31
- Twitter: @Alan95081574
- Linkedin: Alan Soto
Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome!
Give a ⭐️ if you like this project!