GAIA is a free to use service for analyzing phenomenons using big images and/or data sets using R-Script.
- Once registered, create projects and manage them
- Input raw R-Script code or upload .r files
- Share projects and scripts in a collaborative manner
- This service is and will always be free of charge! 👍
GAIA was developed and works purely on open source software and projects :
- Bootstrap - Responsive HTML, CSS and Javascript framework
- Node.js - evented I/O for the backend
- MongoDB - Easy to use database
- jQuery - duh!
- Atom - Hackable texteditor
And of course GAIA itself is open source with a public repository on GitHub.
“Software is like sex: it's better when it's free.” -Linus Torvalds
To run GAIA, you have to download this repository. You also need the node pack manager (npm). Navigat to the server folder and install the dependencies via npm. Before starting the server make sure that mongoDB is running
$ mongod --dbpath /.../ #Path where you want to save everything
$ cd /.../GAIA/server/
$ npm install
$ npm start
Server and db should be running now and you should be able to visit the URL given in the server.js file .
Free Software, Hell Yeah!