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Game Modes

AS edited this page Jan 5, 2025 · 3 revisions

This mod has a lot of different modes which greatly change how the game continues!

Game Mode Settings

Name Description Type Default
Game Mode What game mode the next game will be String Classic


This mode is nothing special; everyone is either a basic Crewmate or Impostor (or Anarchist if alternate intruders are turned on).


This is the main mode of the game. Any layer can spawn in this mode, but only once.

Killing Only

This is a restricted Classic mode where only roles with the capability to kill can spawn, and the Syndicate receives their Chaos Drive at the start of the game.

Killing Only Settings

Name Description Type Default
Neutrals Count How many neutral roles will spawn Number 1
Add Arsonist Whether Arsonist will be added to the role list Toggle True
Add Cryomaniac Whether Cryomaniac will be added to the role list Toggle True
Add Plaguebearer Whether Plaguebearer will be added to the role list Toggle True

All Any

This mode has no restrictions on how many instances of a layer can spawn. Each layer has a property called "Uniqueness," which determines if only one of that layer can spawn (or two for Lovers, Rivals, Mafia, or Linked).

All Any Settings

Name Description Type Default
Enable Uniques (Also applies to Role List) Decide whether roles can be toggled to have only one spawn or not Toggle True

Role List

In this mode, you can make a set list of what roles can spawn. You can decide the exact number of a certain alignment/faction. However, other layers like modifiers, abilities, and objectifiers cannot spawn in this mode. All Any's "Uniqueness" property of roles also applies here.

Role List Settings

Name Description Type Default
Role List Spawn Entry There are 15 of these; you can pick whatever faction/alignment/role to spawn. Keep in mind the uniqueness settings also take effect, meaning if a selected role is not permissible, it is replaced by a regular Crewmate Entry None
Role List Ban Entry There are 5 of these; you can pick whichever role to ban from spawning, making sure it does not appear in the selected role list Entry None
Ban Crewmate/Anarchist/Impostor/Murderer These are free ban slots to block the specified role from spawning Toggle True
Enable Revealer/Phantom/Ghoul/Banshee These are extra slots to allow the spawning of the postmortal role of that type Toggle True


This mode is basically Classic, but you can decide how many instances of the layer can spawn in the game.

Hide And Seek

This mode is the unofficial addition of the Hide And Seek game mode that people used to play before the vanilla Hide And Seek was added. Only two roles spawn, and this mode can have two types. The Classic type makes it so that the Hunters have to kill everyone else, but their numbers do not increase. In the Infection type, however, the Hunters turn the Hunted into their own teammates.

Hide And Seek Settings

Name Description Type Default
Game Type What mode of Hide And Seek is to be played String Classic
Hunter Count How many Hunters should spawn in Number 1
Hunt Cooldown The cooldown on the Hunter's Hunt button Time 10s
Start Time The delayed start that the Hunters have when the game begins, to allow the Hunted to find places to hide/finish tasks fast Time 10s
Hunter Can Vent Toggles the Hunter's ability to vent Toggle True
Hunter Vision How much the Hunters can see Factor x0.25
Hunted Vision How much the Hunted can see Factor x1.5
Hunter Speed Modifier How fast the Hunters are compared to the Hunted Factor x1.25
Hunters Use A Flashlight Self descriptive Toggle False
Hunted Use A Flashlight Self descriptive Toggle False
Hunted Can Chat Self descriptive Toggle True

Task Race

This mode is a skill check mode to see who's the best at planning their task path and finishing tasks. No one can kill each other and must race to be the first one to finish their tasks.