CSV TO JSON Steps to follow: Main Step -> Download python Go to this link and download and Install any version of python: https://www.python.org/downloads/
After that ->
Method 1: Downloading git on our desktop: Go to this link -> https://git-scm.com/downloads to download git click on Windows and follow the steps to install git bash click on Mac and follow the steps given to install git bash Once that is done, open your command prompt
Clone the repository using -> git clone https://github.com/AleeyahAnjola/Hng9CsvToJsonFormat.git Enter inside the cloned repository -> cd Hng9CsvToJsonFormat Install the panda package on your command prompt using -> pip install pandas Run the program: py main.py
Method 2: Downloading directly from the repository To download directly from repository, go to this link: https://github.com/AleeyahAnjola/Hng9CsvToJsonFormat Click on the green button 'Code', click on download zip and the download will begin Once that's done, extract the zip file right-click on the folder and open in terminal cd again to enter inside the main folder Install the panda package on your command prompt using -> pip install pandas Run the program: py main.py