VHDL hardware design of the AES-256 encryption algorithm for ASIC or FPGA implementation with SystemVerilog testbench
AES-256 is implemented as a two-part design - key expansion (key_expansion_top.vhd
) and encryption (encryption_top.vhd
). The 128-bit ciphertext is then taken by data loading (data_loading.vhd
) block and sent down an 8-bit bus in 16 packets. Those three modules are instantiated in the design top aes256_loading.vhd
Testbench is implemented in a single SystemVerilog file
. Python scripts (
) are used to generate reference input (key and plaintext) and output (ciphertext) vectors. Input vectors are then used by the testbench to drive the DUT while output vectors are used in the checker.
Basic functional verification is done with with 100 different keys and a 1000 different plaintext-ciphertext pairs for each key
Continued testbench development
UVM testbench: AES-256_UVM