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This is a Rails app with React frontend and Bootstrap css.

External API calls are made using the Flickr public API and the map feature was built with Leaflet (


  • Ruby version: 2.7.3
  • Rails version: 6.0.0
  • React version: 16.13.1
  • Bootstrap version: 4.5.0
  • Leaflet version: 1.6.0

Running the application

  1. Open the root folder
  2. run bundle install to install all gems
  3. run yarn install to make sure packages are up to date
  4. run rake db:migrate to make sure db is up to date
  5. run rake db:seed to populate db data
  6. run bin/rails s to start the puma server
  7. Go to the specified localhost address


  • Countdown timer to date of race on homepage
  • Image carousel using Flickr API images
  • Gallery using Flickr API images
  • Map showing positions of riders in the race using react-leaflet.js
  • Contest submission form that sends input to database

Running tests

Running individual tests:

  1. Open the root folder
  2. To run a particular test, e.g. the riders controller test, run bin/ rails test filename e.g. bin/rails test test/controllers/api_v1_riders_controller_test.rb

Running all tests:

  1. Open the root folder
  2. Run bin/rails test to run all controller tests OR bin/rails test:system test to run all tests including system tests.


Project 7 for OpenClassrooms






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