This is a Rails app with React frontend and Bootstrap css.
External API calls are made using the Flickr public API and the map feature was built with Leaflet (
- Ruby version: 2.7.3
- Rails version: 6.0.0
- React version: 16.13.1
- Bootstrap version: 4.5.0
- Leaflet version: 1.6.0
- Open the root folder
- run
bundle install
to install all gems - run
yarn install
to make sure packages are up to date - run
rake db:migrate
to make sure db is up to date - run
rake db:seed
to populate db data - run bin/rails s to start the puma server
- Go to the specified localhost address
- Countdown timer to date of race on homepage
- Image carousel using Flickr API images
- Gallery using Flickr API images
- Map showing positions of riders in the race using react-leaflet.js
- Contest submission form that sends input to database
- Open the root folder
- To run a particular test, e.g. the riders controller test, run bin/ rails test filename e.g.
bin/rails test test/controllers/api_v1_riders_controller_test.rb
- Open the root folder
- Run
bin/rails test
to run all controller tests ORbin/rails test:system test
to run all tests including system tests.