fwconsole ma delete pms sangomaconnect sangosmartapi
fwconsole ma delete advanced_recovery restapps
fwconsole ma delete endpoint
cd /var/www/html/admin/modules/
wget https://github.com/AlexKientz/freepbx-endpointmanager/releases/download/Release/V1.0.0.zip
unzip V1.0.0.zip
chmod -R 777 endpointman/
rm V1.0.0.zip
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Your Open Source Asterisk PBX GUI Solution
endpointman This is a module for FreePBX©. FreePBX is an open source GUI (graphical user interface) that controls and manages Asterisk© (PBX). FreePBX is licensed under GPL. FreePBX is a completely modular GUI for Asterisk written in PHP and Javascript. Meaning you can easily write any module you can think of and distribute it free of cost to your clients so that they can take advantage of beneficial features in Asterisk
This modules code is licensed as GPLv3+
To contribute code or modules back into the FreePBX ecosystem you must fully read our Code License Agreement. We are not able to look at or accept patches or code of any kind until this document is filled out. Please take a look at http://wiki.freepbx.org/display/DC/Code+License+Agreement for more information
Please file bug reports at http://issues.freepbx.org# endpointman