vfxDatabaseORM is a package designed to make some CRUD requests to your Asset Manager.
You can easily integrate another solution like Ftrack
, Kitsu
or your own solution by creating the corresponding Manager
It is designed like the powerful Django ORM.
- Easily integration with Asset Managers or Homemade database
The following exemple demonstrates a use case with Shotgrid
Note: Field
is implicit (used in major databases system). You can get it with:instance.uid
If you need to redefine it, you can by adding :
uid = models.IntegerField("id", default=0)
into yours models.
from vfxDatabaseORM.core import models
from vfxDatabaseORM.adapters.shotgridManager import ShotgridManager
class MyShotgridManager(ShotgridManager):
HOST = "https://xxxx.shotgunstudio.com"
SCRIPT_NAME = "script_name"
SCRIPT_KEY = "script_key"
class Project(models.Model):
manager_class = MyShotgridManager # Manager for SG
entity_name = "Project" # Entity name on SG
code = models.StringField("name") # The code field is "name" on SG
created_at = models.DateTimeField("created_at", read_only=True)
users = models.OneToManyField("users", to="User", related_db_name="projects")
class User(models.Model):
manager_class = MyShotgridManager
entity_name = "HumanUser"
login = models.StringField("login")
projects = models.OneToManyField("projects", to="Project", related_db_name="users")
Each model representes an entity in the database. When we retrieve an entity, we can access to its attributes.
project = Project.objects.get(uid=2) # Get the project of id 2
project.uid # 2
project.code # foo
project.users # list of users [<User uid=1>, <User uid=2>]
Related attributes are evaluated only when we try to access to them.
# users is a related field linked with the User Model.
# A request to the database is done only when we get the value for this attribute
project.users # Will send a request to the database
project.uid # The value is directly returned
Examples of Create
new_project = Project.objects.create(code="foo") # Create and store it in the DB
new_project.uid # The id of the created project in the database.
# or
new_project = Project(code="foo") # Created but not stored in the DB
new_project.uid # 0 (default value defined in the field)
new_project.save() # Store it in the DB
new_project.uid # The id of the created project in the database.
Examples of Read
# Get all projects
# Get the project where the id to 2
Project.objects.get(uid=2) # Return an instance of the project
Project.objects.filters(uid=2) # Return a list of instances
Project.objects.filters(uid__is=2) # Return a list of instances
# Get all projects where the id is > 500
# Get all projects where the id is > 500 and code ends with "foo"
Project.objects.filters(uid__gt=500, code__endswith="foo")
# Get all projects where the user with id (1) is in the project
# Get all projects where the user with id (1) is in the project and the code of the project starts with "bar"
Project.objects.filters(users__uid__is=1, code__startswith="bar")
# Get all projects where the user with id (1) in the project, code starts with "baz", code ends with "foo" and id > to 500
Project.objects.filters(users__uid__is=1, code__startswith="baz", code__endswith="foo", uid__gt=500)
Examples of Update
project.code = "foo" # Update the code only in the instance
project.save() # Update the code in the database
# OR
project.save(code="bar") # Update the code in the database
Examples of Delete
project.delete() # Delete the project in the database
By default, each Model
has a JSON serializer.
Some serializers are defined in vfxDatabaseORM.core.serializers
- JSONSerializer
- PickleSerializer
class Project(models.Model):
manager_class = MyCustomManager
uid = models.IntegerField("id", read_only=True)
code = models.StringField("code")
project = Project(uid=50, code="foo")
# Serialize
data = Project.serializer.serialize(project) # {"uid": 50, "code": "foo"}
# De-Serialize
new_instance = Project.serializer.deserialize(data)
assert project == new_instance
You can override the serializer with the attribute serializer_class
class Project(models.Model):
manager_class = MyCustomManager
serializer_class = MyCustomSerializer
uid = models.IntegerField("id", read_only=True)
code = models.StringField("code")
- Add other adapters (Ftrack, Kitsu, DBs)
- Add the update for related fields
- Serialize in depth ?
cd docs/
./make.bat html # On Windows
make html # On UNIX
Unit tests:
python -m unittest discover
Coverage :
coverage run -m unittest discover
coverage report -m --skip-covered --skip-empty