- Install package manager yarn.
npm install -g yarn
- Run the command in the console
yarn install
- Run the command in the console
yarn build
- Run the command in the console
yarn dev
- Open the project in browser
precommit - base command wich combine yarn fix, yarn test and git add
lint:js - check correct js code
lint:css - check correct css code
lint - base command wich combine lint:js and lint:css
fix:js - formatting your js code
fix:css - formatting your css code
fix - base command wich combine fix:js and fix:css
flow - check correct types via flow
dev - command to start development server
start - command to start production server
test - run all unit tests
test:report - generate report about tests
build - build project
build:analyze - analyze your bundel project
build:docker - build docker bundle
For example yarn start
- launch server
- next.js
- express.js
- react
- react-dom
- next-routes
- redux
- redux-saga
- next-redux-saga
- reselect
- immutable
- next-i18next
- flow.js
- postcss
- babel
- dotenv
- prettier
- eslint
- stylelint
- Jest
- Enzyme
- Docker
The following pull requests were made:
1. wait for it to merge vercel/next.js#17770 (Meta tags bug)
2. next-i18next warning on 404 page i18next/next-i18next#79 (comment)
3. don't insert initialState to
createStore(reducer, **initialState**, enhancers)
. It makes a warning kirill-konshin/next-redux-wrapper#202 (comment)