Neighbourhood map project for Udacity
This project requers several packages that can be installed using npm (or yarn).
npm install
You can build this project in 'developers' mode, which is better for debugging:
npm run build:dev
Or in 'production' mode, which is better for consumer facing server:
npm run build:prod
Your can run developer's server using following command:
npm run serve
As an alternative local server like MAMP, LAMP, WAMP or 'npm serve -g' will work as well. Please serve content from root folder of project where index file located.
For production any static web server should work, use nginx, apache2 or other.
Project use this libraries, frameworks and apis:
- Knockout.js
- Material Design Light
- Material Icons
- Webpack as build system
- Google Maps API
- Foursquare API
Most of the vendor code shipped from CDN. Project JS and CSS bundled, compiled to ES2015 and minimized.
Live version of the project available here using GitHub pages: