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JM.PASCAL edited this page Jun 16, 2015 · 6 revisions

Welcome to the Alfresco Activiti Android Application (Early Access)

What Is Alfresco Activiti Mobile?

Alfresco Activiti provides highly scalable workflow and Business Process Management services in the Cloud and on-premises. With the Alfresco Activiti mobile application you can view your task lists, complete forms and collaborate with others. You can start new processes, attaching files, photos or videos for simple review and approve workflow or support more complex business processes (complete with integrations to others systems). At any time, you can involve other people to collaborate to help complete a task. Alfresco Activiti supports shared task queues and the full process capabilities of the BPMN standard.

NB: Activiti Mobile is currently in Early Access mode. It evolves as you use them, as you give feedback, and as the developers update and add content. We like to think app development as services that grow and evolve with the involvement of the community.

Where can I find it ?

Get it on Google Play

Where is the documentation ?

Activiti Mobile user documentation can be found on User Guide Wiki Page.

More information about Activiti can be found on our Alfresco doc portal, on our website and project wiki.

How to Build it ?

Details on building can be found on the Getting Started page of the wiki.

If I need help ?

If you are experiencing problems with the application or need help please consult the Alfresco Mobile Forum.

If you spot a bug please, then please raise an issue in our JIRA or directly on Github

How to Contribute ?

If you would like to contribute code you can do so through GitHub by forking the repository and sending a pull request.
When submitting code, please make every effort to follow existing conventions and style in order to keep the code as readable as possible.

What's the code License ?

Alfresco Activiti Mobile for Android 1.0

Copyright © 2015 Alfresco Software, Ltd. and others.

This product distribution is made available under the [LGPL 3.0 license](

Portions of this product distribution require certain copyright or other notices to be included with the product distribution. These notices may also appear in individual source files. Follow 3rd-Party-Librairies to have the list of librairies licenses used.