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Merge pull request #918 from AlgebraicJulia/bind_kwarg
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Monic constraint and `no_bind` kwarg for AttrVars in hom search
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epatters authored Jun 29, 2024
2 parents 6282d26 + 60a9444 commit dff1397
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Showing 3 changed files with 127 additions and 31 deletions.
114 changes: 85 additions & 29 deletions src/categorical_algebra/HomSearch.jl
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Expand Up @@ -68,22 +68,32 @@ that the vertex map is injective but imposes no constraints on the edge map.
To restrict the homomorphism to a given partial assignment, set the keyword
argument `initial`. For example, to fix the first source vertex to the third
target vertex in a graph homomorphism, set `initial=(V=Dict(1 => 3),)`. Use
the keyword argument `type_components` to specify nontrivial components on
attribute types for a loose homomorphism. These components must be callable:
either Julia functions on the appropriate types or FinFunction(Dict(...)).
target vertex in a graph homomorphism, set `initial=(V=Dict(1 => 3),)`. Use the
keyword argument `type_components` to specify nontrivial components on attribute
types for a loose homomorphism. These components must be callable: either Julia
functions on the appropriate types or FinFunction(Dict(...)).
Use the keyword argument `alg` to set the homomorphism-finding algorithm. By
default, a backtracking search algorithm is used ([`BacktrackingSearch`](@ref)).
Use the keyword argument error_failures = true to get errors explaining
any immediate inconsistencies in specified initial data.
Use the keyword argument error_failures = true to get errors explaining any
immediate inconsistencies in specified initial data.
The keyword `predicates` accepts a Dict{Ob, Dict{Int, Union{Nothing, AbstractVector{Int}}}}
For each part of the domain, we have the option to give a constraint as a
boolean function of the current assignment and tentative value to assign. E.g.
`predicates = (E = Dict(2 => [2,4,6]))` would only find matches
The keyword `predicates` accepts a Dict{Ob, Dict{Int, Union{Nothing,
AbstractVector{Int}}}} For each part of the domain, we have the option to give a
constraint as a boolean function of the current assignment and tentative value
to assign. E.g. `predicates = (E = Dict(2 => [2,4,6]))` would only find matches
which assigned edge#2 to edge #2, #4, or #6 in the codomain.
The keyword `no_bind` can be a boolean (applying to all AttrTypes) or an
iterable of specific components: it prevents attribute variables in the domain
from being sent to concrete values in the codomain. When the AttrType component
is `monic`, it is also the case that attribute variables cannot be sent to
concrete values (therefore it is redundant to set `no_bind=true` in such cases).
In both of these cases, it's possible to compute homomorphisms when there are
"free-floating" attribute variables (which are not referred to by any Attr in
the domain), as each such variable has a finite number of possibilities for it
to be mapped to.
See also: [`homomorphisms`](@ref), [`isomorphism`](@ref).
homomorphism(X::ACSet, Y::ACSet; alg=BacktrackingSearch(), kw...) =
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -193,20 +203,12 @@ end

function backtracking_search(f, X::ACSet, Y::ACSet;
monic=false, epic=false, iso=false, random=false, predicates=(;),
type_components=(;), initial=(;), error_failures=false)
type_components=(;), initial=(;), error_failures=false, no_bind=false)
S, Sy = acset_schema.([X,Y])
S == Sy || error("Schemas must match for morphism search")
Ob = Tuple(objects(S))
Attr = Tuple(attrtypes(S))
ObAttr = Tuple(objects(S) attrtypes(S))
# Fail if there are "free floating attribute variables"
all(attrtypes(S)) do a_type
ats = attrs(S, just_names=true, to=a_type)
avs = collect.([filter(x->x isa AttrVar, X[f]) for f in ats])
pa = partial_assignments(get(initial, a_type, []); is_attr=true)
initkeys = AttrVar.(keys(collect(pa)))
length(unique(vcat(initkeys, avs...))) == nparts(X, a_type)
end || error("Cannot search for morphisms with free-floating variables")

# Fail early if no monic/isos exist on cardinality grounds.
if iso isa Bool
Expand All @@ -218,11 +220,15 @@ function backtracking_search(f, X::ACSet, Y::ACSet;
if epic isa Bool
epic = epic ? Ob : ()
if no_bind isa Bool
no_bind = no_bind ? Attr : ()

iso_failures = Iterators.filter(c->nparts(X,c)!=nparts(Y,c),iso)
mono_failures = Iterators.filter(c->nparts(X,c)>nparts(Y,c),monic)
epi_failures = Iterators.filter(c->nparts(X,c)<nparts(Y,c),epic)

if !all(isempty, [iso_failures,mono_failures,epi_failures])
if !all(isempty, [iso_failures, mono_failures, epi_failures])
if !error_failures
return false
else error("""
Expand All @@ -233,6 +239,20 @@ function backtracking_search(f, X::ACSet, Y::ACSet;

# Fail if there are "free floating attribute variables"
for a_type in attrtypes(S)
a_type (monic iso no_bind) && continue # attrvars ↦ attrvars
attrs′ = attrs(S, just_names=true, to=a_type)
avars = union(collect.([filter(x->x isa AttrVar, X[f]) for f in attrs′])...)
assigned = partial_assignments(get(initial, a_type, []); is_attr=true)
assigned′ = first.(collect(assigned))
unassigned = setdiff(parts(X, a_type), [v.val for v in avars] assigned′)
if !isempty(unassigned)
error("Cannot search for morphisms with free-floating variables: $unassigned")

# Injections between finite sets of the same size are bijections, so reduce to that case.
monic = unique([iso..., monic...])
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -296,9 +316,32 @@ function backtracking_search(f, state::BacktrackingState, depth::Int;
S = acset_schema(state.dom)
od = Dict{Symbol,Vector{Int}}(k=>(state.assignment[k]) for k in objects(S))
ad = Dict(k=>last.(state.assignment[k]) for k in attrtypes(S))
comps = merge(NamedTuple(od),NamedTuple(ad))
return f(ACSetTransformation(comps, state.dom, state.codom))

# Compute possible assignments for all free variables
free_data = map(attrtypes(S)) do k
monic = !isnothing(state.inv_assignment[k])
assigned = [v.val for (_, v) in state.assignment[k] if v isa AttrVar]
valid_targets = setdiff(parts(state.codom, k), monic ? assigned : [])
free_vars = findall(==(AttrVar(0)), last.(state.assignment[k]))
N = length(free_vars)
prod_iter = Iterators.product(fill(valid_targets, N)...)
if monic
prod_iter = Iterators.filter(x->length(x)==length(unique(x)), prod_iter)
(free_vars, prod_iter) # prod_iter = valid assignments for this attrtype

# Homomorphism for each element in the product of the prod_iters
for combo in Iterators.product(last.(free_data)...)
ad = Dict(map(zip(attrtypes(S), first.(free_data), combo)) do (k, xs, vs)
vec = last.(state.assignment[k])
vec[xs] = AttrVar.(collect(vs))
k => vec
comps = merge(NamedTuple(od),NamedTuple(ad))
f(ACSetTransformation(comps, state.dom, state.codom))
return false
elseif mrv == 0
# An element has no allowable assignment, so we must backtrack.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -401,16 +444,24 @@ assign_elem!(state::BacktrackingState{<:DynamicACSet}, depth, c, x, y) =
state.unassigned[@ct c][1] -= 1

@ct_ctrl for (f,_,d) in attrs(S; from=c)
if subpart(X,x,@ct(f)) isa AttrVar
v = subpart(X,x,@ct(f)).val
xcount,_ = state.assignment[@ct d][v]
state.assignment[@ct d][v] = xcount+1 => subpart(Y,y,@ct(f))
# Enforce naturality for all attrs, e.g. assigning an edge fixes its weight
@ct_ctrl for (f, _, d) in attrs(S; from=c)
if subpart(X, x, @ct(f)) isa AttrVar
v = subpart(X, x, @ct(f)).val
xcount, _ = state.assignment[@ct d][v]
Yf = subpart(Y, y, @ct(f))
invD = state.inv_assignment[@ct d]
state.assignment[@ct d][v] = xcount+1 => Yf
if !isnothing(invD)
(Yf isa AttrVar && invD[Yf.val] [0, v]) || return false
invD[Yf.val] = v

@ct_ctrl for (f, _, d) in homs(S; from=c)
assign_elem!(state, depth, @ct(d), subpart(X,x,@ct f),subpart(Y,y,@ct f)) || return false
assign_elem!(state, depth, @ct(d), subpart(X, x, @ct f),
subpart(Y, y, @ct f)) || return false
return true
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -442,6 +493,11 @@ unassign_elem!(state::BacktrackingState{<:DynamicACSet}, depth, c, x) =
v = subpart(X,x,@ct(f)).val
n, αv = state.assignment[@ct(d)][v]
state.assignment[@ct(d)][v]= (n-1 => αv)
invD = state.inv_assignment[@ct d]
# Reset inv assignment if it's we're unsetting last reference
if n == 1 && αv isa AttrVar && !isnothing(invD) && invD[αv.val] == v
invD[αv.val] = 0

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4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions test/categorical_algebra/Chase.jl
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Expand Up @@ -115,9 +115,9 @@ add_parts!(unique_l,:X,3);
ED_unique = homomorphism(unique_l, unique_r)
ED_unique = only(homomorphisms(unique_l, unique_r))
ED_total = homomorphism(total_l, unique_r)
ED_total = ACSetTransformation(total_l, unique_r; X=[1])
# x-path of length 3 = x-path of length 2
add_parts!(three_two_l,:x,5; src_x=[1,2,3,1,5],tgt_x=[2,3,4,5,6] );
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40 changes: 40 additions & 0 deletions test/categorical_algebra/HomSearch.jl
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Expand Up @@ -142,6 +142,46 @@ rand_hs = homomorphisms(K₆,K₆; random=true)
@test hs != rand_hs # not equal given order
@test homomorphism(K₆,K₆) != homomorphism(K₆,K₆;random=true)

# AttrVar constraints (monic and no_bind)
@present SchLSet(FreeSchema) begin X::Ob; D::AttrType; f::Attr(X,D) end
@acset_type LSet(SchLSet){Symbol}

# Simple example
A = @acset LSet begin X=2; D=2; f=AttrVar.(1:2) end
B = @acset LSet begin X=1; D=1; f=[AttrVar(1)] end
@test isempty(homomorphisms(A, B; monic=[:D]))
@test length(homomorphisms(B, A; monic=[:D])) == 2
@test length(homomorphisms(A, A; monic=[:D])) == 2

# More complicated example
G = @acset LSet begin X=3; D=2; f=[:a; AttrVar.(1:2)] end
H = @acset LSet begin X=4; D=3; f=[:a, :b, AttrVar.(1:2)...] end

# X₂ and X₃ in G can go to any of the 4 Xs in H
@test length(homomorphisms(G, H)) == 16

G′ = copy(G)
add_part!(G′, :D) # add a free floating variable to domain

# If we don't put any constraints on the free var, error b/c of infinite homs
@test_throws ErrorException homomorphisms(G′, H)

# All attrvars going to :b forces all Xs going to X₂
@test length(homomorphisms(G′, H; initial=(D=[:b,:b,:b],),)) == 1

# If we just force the free variable to go to a fixed place, it's the same as before
@test length(homomorphisms(G′, H; initial=(D=Dict(3=>:b),))) == 16
@test length(homomorphisms(G′, H; initial=(D=Dict(3=>AttrVar(1)),))) == 16

# [2,1] and [1,2] for where AttrVars go
@test length(homomorphisms(G, H; monic=[:D])) == 2
# free var forced to go to D₃
@test length(homomorphisms(G′, H; monic=[:D])) == 2
# D₁ D₂ go to any of the 4 Xs. D₃ goes to any of the 3 Ds
@test length(homomorphisms(G′, H; no_bind=[:D])) == 4*4*3

# As a macro

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