Catlab v0.13.2
Closed issues:
- Catlab does not precompile on Julia 1.6.1 with some older dependencies (#509)
- Bundling legs results in type error (#520)
- Equality operator for Node and EdgeID (#522)
Merged pull requests:
- Refactor type hierarchy for UWDs (#504) (@epatters)
- Replace abstract base type for free diagrams with generic interface (#505) (@epatters)
- Find C-set homomorphisms using conjunctive queries (#506) (@epatters)
- Drop support for Reexport v0.2 (#510) (@epatters)
- More flexible Graphviz support for acset schemas (#511) (@epatters)
- GitHub action to test downstream packages (#513) (@epatters)
- Reexport the
submodules (#515) (@epatters) - Finitely presented categories and functors out of them (#518) (@epatters)
- Fix ordering in (co)domain number accessors for schemas (#521) (@bosonbaas)
- ENH: Equality and hash operators for Graphviz Edge and NodeID (#523) (@bosonbaas)
- Refining the interface for finitely presented categories (#524) (@epatters)