Catlab v0.6.1
Closed issues:
- Thin categories and preorders (#84)
- Allow use of Graphviz for layout only (#93)
- LinearMaps isomorphic to LinearOperators (#125)
- Method Ambiguity when an instance type defines the theories operations (#141)
- Compose \circ in base julia is now vararg (#143)
- Transfer of Instances to Separate Experiment Folder (#144)
- Drawing SVGs with Compose changing background color (#159)
Merged pull requests:
- Added LinearOperators instance of GLA (#140) (@bosonbaas)
- Preorders and thin categories, part 2 (#148) (@epatters)
- Migration from Experimental to Examples (#149) (@bosonbaas)
- Ellipse shape for Compose.jl and TikZ wiring diagrams (#152) (@epatters)
- Use Graphviz layouts in Compose.jl or TikZ drawings (#156) (@epatters)
- ENH: Implement Stochastic Maps as GATExprs (#158) (@jpfairbanks)