In this Notebook, we use Neural Galerkin schemes to solve the inviscid Burgers' equation. We demonstrate that Neural Galerkin schemes with embeddings can be used to ensure that certain quantities of the solution are conserved over time to machine precision.
The inviscid Burgers' equation is given by
It is a nonlinear partial differential equation (PDE), which we aim to solve in the 1-dimensional spatial domain
of the solution to the inviscid Burgers' equation is such a conserved quantity. That is
In this notebook, we aim to compute a numerical solution
We import jax
and flax
for automatic differentiation and for the definition
of our Neural Network. Moreover, we define the constants that describe our domain
and set solver parameters that are used below.
import jax
from jax.random import key
from typing import Callable
import optax
import jax.numpy as jnp
import flax.linen as nn
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
jax.config.update("jax_enable_x64", True)
TIME_STEP = 5e-3
TIMEPOINTS = jnp.arange(0.0, 1.0, TIME_STEP)
# Periodic domain -> exclude endpoint
SAMPLES = jnp.expand_dims(jnp.linspace(-1, 1, 200, endpoint=False), 1)
We define a simple fully-connected feedforward network as ansatz/parameterization for the PDE parameterization. We apply sin
and cos
to the input
The function ansatz
that we define from the flax
model takes the vectorized DNN parameters theta
in our code) and ansatz
to parameterize the solution of the PDE at each point in time as
class SimpleModel(nn.Module):
period: float
shift_init: Callable = nn.initializers.lecun_normal()
def __call__(self, x):
shifts = self.param(
(x.shape[-1], 10),
x_periodic = jnp.cos(2 * jnp.pi * x / self.period + shifts)
x = nn.Dense(10, dtype=jnp.float64, param_dtype=jnp.float64)(x_periodic)
x = jnp.sin(x)
x = nn.Dense(10, dtype=jnp.float64, param_dtype=jnp.float64)(x)
x = jnp.sin(x)
x = nn.Dense(1, dtype=jnp.float64, param_dtype=jnp.float64)(x)
return jnp.squeeze(x)
model = SimpleModel(period=DOMAIN_LENGTH)
# Initialize the model for a 1D-domain
random_sample = jax.random.uniform(key(0), shape=(1,))
# key1, key2 = jax.random.split(jax.random.key(0), 2)
params = model.init(jax.random.key(0), random_sample)
# Obtain parameter vector theta from the pytree `params`
theta, ravel_fn = jax.flatten_util.ravel_pytree(params)
def ansatz(theta, x):
return model.apply(ravel_fn(theta), x)
Next we define the Burgers' equation and its conserved quantity in terms of an ansatz function. We use jax
differentiation concepts to represent the PDE and we use a sampling-based approach to approximate the integral.
def get_burgers_rhs(ansatz):
def burgers_rhs(theta, x):
return -jax.grad(ansatz, 1)(theta, x) * ansatz(theta, x)
return burgers_rhs
def get_estimate_integral(ansatz):
ansatz_batched = jax.vmap(ansatz, in_axes=[None, 0])
def integral(theta):
return 2 * jnp.sum(ansatz_batched(theta, SAMPLES)) / len(SAMPLES)
return integral
We can now fit our ansatz to some given initial condition optax
-based ADAM solver.
def u0(x):
return jnp.squeeze(0.3 * jnp.exp(-(BUMP_WIDTH**2) * x**2) + 1)
ansatz_batched = jax.vmap(ansatz, in_axes=[None, 0])
# Fit initial Condition
def loss(theta):
return jnp.mean(jnp.square((ansatz_batched(theta, SAMPLES) - u0(SAMPLES))))
def fit(params, optimizer):
opt_state = optimizer.init(params)
def step(params, opt_state):
loss_value, grads = jax.value_and_grad(loss)(params)
updates, opt_state = optimizer.update(grads, opt_state, params)
params = optax.apply_updates(params, updates)
return params, opt_state, loss_value
for i in range(10001):
params, opt_state, loss_value = step(params, opt_state)
if i % 2500 == 0:
print(f"step {i}, loss: {loss_value}")
return params
# Dramatic speed-ups can be achieved by using adaptive learning rates etc.
optimizer = optax.adam(learning_rate=1e-3)
theta0 = fit(theta, optimizer)
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(5.0, 2.3))
# Verify initial condition fit
ansatz_batched(theta0, SAMPLES),
label="ansatz(theta0, samples)",
plt.plot(jnp.squeeze(SAMPLES), u0(SAMPLES), ":", label="initial condition")
step 0, loss: 1.245962598853071
step 2500, loss: 8.457693560197028e-08
step 5000, loss: 3.928366651976307e-08
step 7500, loss: 3.013622250359806e-08
step 10000, loss: 2.379857663539172e-08
Now that we have the initial condition, we need to determine an update rule that modifies the DNN parameters theta
such that the ansatz approximates the PDE solution at a later time. In [1], the authors show that a time-dependent parameter function ansatz
-function, we have defined above. We get a formulation for the time derivative of
Here get_burgers_rhs
. The points SAMPLES
, we have defined above.
We can use a regularized solver of the least-squares problem to transform
def get_plain_neural_galerkin_rhs(ansatz, rhs):
A = jax.vmap(jax.grad(ansatz), in_axes=[None, 0])
b = jax.vmap(rhs, in_axes=[None, 0])
def ng_rhs(theta):
A_eval = jnp.squeeze(A(theta, SAMPLES))
b_eval = jnp.squeeze(b(theta, SAMPLES))
thetadot = jnp.squeeze(
jnp.linalg.lstsq(A_eval, b_eval, REGULARIZATION)[0]
return thetadot
return ng_rhs
def get_rk4_step(rhs):
def rk4_step_fn(theta, t):
k1 = rhs(theta)
k2 = rhs(theta + h * k1 / 2)
k3 = rhs(theta + h * k2 / 2)
k4 = rhs(theta + h * k3)
theta_new = theta + 1.0 / 6.0 * h * (k1 + 2 * k2 + 2 * k3 + k4)
return theta_new, theta_new
return rk4_step_fn
def odeint_rk4(fn, theta0, timepoints):
_, y = jax.lax.scan(get_rk4_step(fn), theta0, timepoints)
return y
rhs = get_burgers_rhs(ansatz)
normal_ng_rhs = get_plain_neural_galerkin_rhs(ansatz, rhs)
conserved_qty = get_estimate_integral(ansatz)
conserved_qty_batched = jax.vmap(conserved_qty)
thetas_time = odeint_rk4(normal_ng_rhs, theta0, TIMEPOINTS)
If we evaluate the solution, we can see that we get an accurate solution for Burgers'
fig, (ax0, ax1) = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(8, 3))
ax0.plot(SAMPLES, ansatz_batched(thetas_time[0], SAMPLES), label="t=0")
ax0.plot(SAMPLES, ansatz_batched(thetas_time[100], SAMPLES), label="t=0.5")
ax0.plot(SAMPLES, ansatz_batched(thetas_time[199], SAMPLES), label="t=1.0")
ax0.set_xlabel("space x")
conservation_error_plain = conserved_qty(theta0) - conserved_qty_batched(thetas_time)
ax1.semilogy(TIMEPOINTS, jnp.abs(conservation_error_plain))
ax1.set_xlabel("time t")
ax1.set_ylabel("Conservation Error")
Text(0, 0.5, 'Conservation Error')
This is because the conserved quantity (the integral of the solution) of
Burgers' PDE is not necessarily a conserved quantity of the Neural Galerkin equation
to integral
is zero).
def get_constrained_ng_rhs(ansatz, rhs, conserved_qty_fn):
A = jax.vmap(jax.grad(ansatz), in_axes=[None, 0])
b = jax.vmap(rhs, in_axes=[None, 0])
g = jax.grad(conserved_qty_fn)
def ng_rhs(theta):
A_eval = A(theta, SAMPLES)
b_eval = jnp.squeeze(b(theta, SAMPLES))
g_eval = g(theta)
g_normal = g_eval / jnp.linalg.norm(g_eval)
AP = A_eval - jnp.outer(A_eval @ g_normal, g_normal)
thetadot_subsp, _, _, _ = jnp.linalg.lstsq(
AP, b_eval, rcond=REGULARIZATION
return thetadot_subsp - jnp.inner(thetadot_subsp, g_normal) * g_normal
return ng_rhs
constrained_ng_rhs = get_constrained_ng_rhs(ansatz, rhs, conserved_qty)
thetas_constrained_time = odeint_rk4(constrained_ng_rhs, theta0, TIMEPOINTS)
tct = thetas_constrained_time
fig, (ax0, ax1) = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(8, 3))
ax0.plot(SAMPLES, ansatz_batched(tct[0], SAMPLES), label="t=0")
ax0.plot(SAMPLES, ansatz_batched(tct[100], SAMPLES), label="t=0.5")
ax0.plot(SAMPLES, ansatz_batched(tct[199], SAMPLES), label="t=1.0")
ax0.set_xlabel("space x")
conservation_error_constrained = conserved_qty(theta0) - conserved_qty_batched(tct)
ax1.semilogy(TIMEPOINTS, jnp.abs(conservation_error_constrained))
ax1.set_xlabel("time t")
ax1.set_ylabel("Conservation Error")
Text(0, 0.5, 'Conservation Error')
This does not preserve the invariant. We cannot ensure that integral
is conserved even though we have forced it to be a conserved quantity of the Neural Galerkin ODE. The off-the-shelf Runnge-Kutta integrator can in general only preserve linear conserved quantities of a given ODE. While the integral is of course linear in
To address the previous problem, we use a projection-method to ensure that integral
is also conserved after time-discretization. This is called Neural Galerkin with embeddings because in using this projection-method, we ensure that our solution stays on the manifold
which is embedded in the Manifold
def get_manifold_projection(manifold_fn):
g = jax.jacrev(manifold_fn)
def cond_fn(val):
i, _, delta_corrector, _ = val
return jax.numpy.logical_and(
i < 10, jnp.linalg.norm(delta_corrector) > 1e-16
def body_fn(val):
i, corrector, delta_corrector, x = val
gx = g(x)
mfn = manifold_fn(x + gx * corrector)
delta_corrector = -mfn / (jnp.inner(gx, gx))
corrector = corrector + delta_corrector
valp1 = (i + 1, corrector, delta_corrector, x)
return valp1
def manifold_projection(y):
val = (0, 0.0, 1.0, y)
final_val = jax.lax.while_loop(cond_fn, body_fn, val)
_, corrector, _, _ = final_val
y_on_manifold = y + g(y) * corrector
return y_on_manifold
return manifold_projection
def odeint_projected_rk4(fn, theta0, timepoints, manifold_fn):
manifold_projection = get_manifold_projection(manifold_fn)
rk4_step = get_rk4_step(fn)
def projected_rk4_step(theta, t):
theta_tilde, _ = rk4_step(theta, 0)
theta_new = manifold_projection(theta_tilde)
return theta_new, theta_new
_, y = jax.lax.scan(
return y
manifold_fn = lambda x: conserved_qty(theta0) - conserved_qty(x)
thetas_embedded_time = odeint_projected_rk4(
constrained_ng_rhs, theta0, TIMEPOINTS, manifold_fn
tet = thetas_embedded_time
fig, (ax0, ax1) = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(8, 3))
ax0.plot(SAMPLES, ansatz_batched(tet[0], SAMPLES), label="t=0")
ax0.plot(SAMPLES, ansatz_batched(tet[100], SAMPLES), label="t=0.5")
ax0.plot(SAMPLES, ansatz_batched(tet[199], SAMPLES), label="t=1.0")
ax0.set_xlabel("space x")
conservation_error_embedded = conserved_qty(theta0) - conserved_qty_batched(tet)
ax1.semilogy(TIMEPOINTS, jnp.abs(conservation_error_embedded), label="Embedded")
ax1.semilogy(TIMEPOINTS, jnp.abs(conservation_error_constrained), label="Constrained")
ax1.semilogy(TIMEPOINTS, jnp.abs(conservation_error_plain), label="Plain")
ax1.set_ylim((1e-16, 5e-3))
ax1.set_xlabel("time t")
ax1.set_ylabel("Conservation Error")
Text(0, 0.5, 'Conservation Error')
Using Neural Galerkin schemes with embeddings, the conserved quantity of the original PDE is also a conserved quantity of solution. Moreover, the Newton iteration converges in just a few steps such that we get little computational extra costs.
[1] J. Bruna, B. Peherstorfer, and E. Vanden-Eijnden, Neural Galerkin scheme with active learning for high-dimensional evolution equations, Preprint, (2022),
[2] E. Hairer, G. Wanner, and C. Lubich, Geometric Numerical Integration, Structure-Preserving Algorithms for Ordinary Differential Equations, Springer Berlin, Heidelberg, 2006