The most high quality discord bot ever from the hit game Fallout.
Here are some commands you can use with Easy Pete bot
Normal Commands
UserInfo : Shows a specific users information.
FlipCoin: Coin Flip, basically used for making decisions etc.
RPS: Rock, Paper, Scissors!
captionmaker: makes captions like ifunny caption maker but its bad
Meme Commands (you can remove these commands if you want to)
whenshe: when she
based: run it to figure out what it does
medicalbill: america!!!!
alper: me!!!!!
meth jesse!!!
terraria terraria
simon 😎
There are 2 ways to install and deploy this bot to your server
First install the npm packages by opening the terminal in the directory that the bot is in
npm install
And then, just run the bot.js file
node bot.js
Reminder that you need to set the bot token in ezpbot\data\settings.json
Also you will need to enable "Message Content Intent" in the Discord Developer Portal.
For this way you will need the Discord Bot Maker program on steam. It's easy as just pressing "Run Project". (Running the project independently is recommended)
Also you will need to enable "Message Content Intent" in the Discord Developer Portal.
This is where YOU come in. (Yes, YOU!)
This project is discontinued and the reason that this is on github, is that I want YOU to add your own commands to this bot. Of course, I won't be adding your commands to the github repository but what I'm trying to say is that extend this bot to your liking.