This project aims to make use of data extracted from a month of aggregated data on xDR and make predictive models about a telecomunications industry. To accomplish this the objective was divided into 4-subobjectives.
1. User Overview analysis
- After cleaning the data, i.e filling missing values and cleaning outliers, EDA was applied to understand the data better and have some insights about the user data.
2. User Engagement analysis
- The success of a business would be highly dependent on the user engagement and activity of customers on available apps. It is also very useful for a business know where to concentrate network resources which can be inferred from Sessions frequency and duration of a session. Using this metrics it is possible to analyse user engagement.
3. User experience analysis
- In telecommunications industry the user experience is mostly related to network parameter performances and customer device characteristics.
4. Satisfaction analysis
- Assuming user satisfaction is highly dependent on engagement and experience of that user, average of the scores of a users' satisfaction and engagement can yeild a good estimate for a specific users satisfaction level or score.
- git clone
- cd Telecom_user_analytics
- pip install -r requirements.txt