1.2 And so the bug hunt begins
Hi there guys,
This new update is a part update in order to fix Issue 2, where there were problems NAI and the Android Webview element in handling the SSL in relation to the NAI website.
Important notes to consider
- If your application is working fine, then you do not need to download this APK.
- Even though the SSL issue is fixed and can load the website fine, there are problems with API level 29 (Android 10) and below that appear to be in relation to the dynamics of the NAI, basically it is similar to the AJAX problem, however the previous solution to solve the AJAX problem is not working for these versions..
getWindow().setFlags(WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_FULLSCREEN, WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_FULLSCREEN);
is deprecated and needs to be updated. This is the only deprecated item that was found by gradle during build.
To do list
- Add a splash screen
- Remove deprecated
- Work on the import/export download situation (The one that uses JSON)
- Fix compatibility issues with API 29 and below. Please see issue #3 for the latest update on the situation.
- Changed variable "mywebView" to "myWebView" to comply with camel case format.
- Added a new class, "customWebViewClient" with the method "onReceivedError". This will handle the SSL error that was known to cause NAI webpage loading issues, and will automatically proceed using "handleer.proceed()".
Etornam Sunu - Video