Questify is platform for students to help them learn better and fill in the gaps of online education. Questify provides various modules and features that students can use to improve themselves and also help others too:
- Question & Answer forum: Here in Questify, you can ask and answer questions. Students are rewarded Questify coins based on their activity and reputation. They also get notified of the latest activities on the platform through Questify live notification service.
- Practice Problems Bank & EBooks (comming soon):
- Competitions & Challenges (comming soon):
- Node (v18.15.0)
- Vite (bundling & compilation) (vite/4.3.9 win32-x64 node-v18.15.0)
- React (UI rendering) (v18.2.0)
- React MUI (UI design lib) (v5.13.3)
- Recoil (global state management throughout the app) (v0.7.7)
- React Router DOM (routing) (v6.11.2)
- Yarn (package management) (v3.5.1)
- Python (v3.11.2)
- Pip: package management (v22.3.1)
- Django: web app development framework (v3.2.25)
- PostgreSQL: main DB (v13.3)
- DRF: Rest APIs (v3.14.0)
- DRF spectacular: swagger docs & Open API spec generation (v0.26.2)
- Graphene: Graphql API server and schema generation (v2.1.9)
- Channels: ASGI & Websocket functionality (v3.0.5)
- Redis: message transport layer (v5.0.14)
# Using https
$ git clone
# Using ssh
$ git clone [email protected]:Amohammadi2/questify-community.git
If you prefer to use https, It's easier to use GCM or Git Credential Manager. When you try to perform operations that do require authentication, GCM will prompt you to authenticate through your browser and stores your credentials so that you won't have to authenticate again the next time.
Keep in mind that GCM does not handle SSH Keys, SSH connection is managed by SSH Client and your SSH keys are managed by SSH Agent.
Useful links:
You can find the docs in Questify Docs
folder, Open it using obsidian.