This is a proof of concept for the HTTP/2 CONTINUATION flood vulnerability published by on April 03, 2024.
This vulnerability can lead to different consequences for vulnerable web servers:
- CPU exhaustion
- Out Of Memory crash (After a single or multiple connections)
- Crash after a few frames sent
(more details in the blog post of nowotarski)
The vulnerable go server in this PoC leads to CPU exhaustion.
Start the vulnerable go server:
cd vulnerable-go-server
docker build -t vulnerable-go-server .
docker run -p 8000:8000 -d vulnerable-go-server
Install the required prerequisites:
pip install h2
Execute the Proof of Concept:
- CVE-2024-27983
- CVE-2024-27919
- CVE-2024-2758
- CVE-2024-2653
- CVE-2023-45288
- CVE-2024-28182
- CVE-2024-27316
- CVE-2024-31309
- CVE-2024-30255