- Activate Environment or create from requirements.txt
source {environment name}/bin/activate
- Various parameters are listed in makefile, run commmand
make parameter_1={value_1} parameter_2={value_2{} ..
Reults will be formed in the result_phase2_rl folder
A sample SBM graph of 50 nodes is given in the data folder. The structure of input graph is as follows:
<Graph_name> //input to the model
// Each folder in train/val/test set should have a graph.txt and graph_stats.txt
Code in Baselines folder
- Run a convert.py which takes a graph folder which contains
python3 convert.py data/sample_graph/test_set/1/
- Now,you can use visualise_cuts scripts to get values of various metrics using the cut formed
- In Baseline run make gap