Undergraduate researcher and full-stack developer passionate about algorithmic analysis, large language models, and building scalable applications. Currently pursuing Computer Science at Stetson University with a focus on AI/ML and software engineering.
- 🔭 Researching algorithm optimization and LLM applications
- 👯 Open to research collaborations in algorithm analysis and NLP
- 💬 Let's discuss: Algorithmic Complexity, LLMs, or Web Development
const techStack = {
languages: ['TypeScript', 'JavaScript', 'Python', 'Java', 'C++'],
frontend: {
frameworks: ['React.js', 'Next.js'],
styling: ['TailwindCSS', 'CSS3'],
testing: ['Jest', 'React Testing Library']
backend: {
runtime: 'Node.js',
frameworks: ['Express.js', 'Flask'],
databases: ['MongoDB', 'PostgreSQL']
research_interests: {
algorithms: ['Analysis', 'Optimization'],
ai_ml: ['Large Language Models', 'Natural Language Processing']
tools: ['Git', 'Docker', 'Linux'],
current_focus: 'Neural Networks & Algorithm Research'