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Andika Hermansyah edited this page Sep 7, 2016 · 9 revisions

Getting Started

JavanHawk like a Pokemon Manager, integrated with some Windows Bot (Necrobot Forked, PokeMobBot etc). And support snipe mode, using msniper protocol.


Download bin code from Release Page, at now just support operating system windows (.exe). Maybe later will support mac (.pkg) or linux debian/ubuntu (.deb).

JavanHawk with 2 base code, very recomended to use release after v1.0.0 👍

How to Run

After you download, extracted the .zip file. And find JavanHawk.exe click to run it (no need install to your computer). For how to use JavanHawk you can read from this GUI Menu Information.

Make sure to enable UseWebsocket on necrobot config.json

"UseWebsocket": true,

"WebSocketPort": 14251,


In the JavanHawk, the url on the config page should match the port you configured on bot side (both have the same default).

For snipe dont forget to disable HumanWalkingSnipe on necrobot config.json

How to Update

For update to latest version download, extract to main directory JavanHawk and run UpdaterJavanHawk-vXXX.exe. "Updater only" mean no need download a full file of JavanHawk, just need download the update main source/patch file.

Run from source code

Now you can run from source without simple web server, just go folder /app/index.html and open it to your browser (I just maintenance webkit browser like chrome family)

####A. Node.js

  1. Install Node.js
  2. Start the node command line
  3. Navigate to your NecrobotJavanHawk folder
  4. To install enter: npm install
  5. To start enter: npm start
  6. Will launch electron application

####B. Python

  1. Install Python
  2. Start command line
  3. Navigate to your NecrobotJavanHawk/app folder
  4. Type python -m SimpleHTTPServer 8000 8000 = Port
  5. Open Browser and type http://localhost:8000