- Clone the Repository:
git clone https://github.com/AndresGarciaEscalante/Object_Detection_Urban_Environment
- Install the requirements for the project with the following command line:
python setup.py
Go to the download_process.py folder and execute the following command line:
python download_process.py --data_dir ../data/ --temp_dir ../backups/
Go to the Exploratory Data Analysis.ipynb folder and execute the following command line:
jupyter notebook
Go to the create_splits.py folder and execute the following command line:
python create_splits.py --data_dir ../data/
Go to the edit_config.py folder and execute the following command line:
python edit_config.py --train_dir /exercise/Object_Detection_Urban_Environment/data/training/ --eval_dir /exercise/Object_Detection_Urban_Environment/data/validation/ --batch_size 1 --checkpoint /exercise/Object_Detection_Urban_Environment/training/pretrained-models/ssd_resnet50_v1_fpn_640x640_coco17_tpu-8/checkpoint/ckpt-0 --label_map /exercise/Object_Detection_Urban_Environment/Object_Detection_Urban_Environment/label_map.pbtxt
Go to the edit_config.py folder and execute the following command lines:
Terminal 1
python model_main_tf2.py --model_dir=../../training/reference/ --pipeline_config_path=../../training/reference/pipeline_new.config
Terminal 2
python model_main_tf2.py --model_dir=../../training/reference/ --pipeline_config_path=../../training/reference/pipeline_new.config --checkpoint_dir=../../training/reference/
Terminal 3
tensorboard --bind_all --port 8888 --logdir=training
Repeat the command lines from the previous step, but with a modified config file. Go to the edit_config.py folder and execute the following command lines:
Terminal 1
python model_main_tf2.py --model_dir=../../training/reference/ --pipeline_config_path=../../training/reference/pipeline_augmentation.config
Terminal 2
python model_main_tf2.py --model_dir=../../training/reference/ --pipeline_config_path=../../training/reference/pipeline_augmentation.config --checkpoint_dir=../../training/reference/
Terminal 3
tensorboard --bind_all --port 8888 --logdir=training
Go to the exporter_main_v2.py folder and execute the following command lines:
python exporter_main_v2.py --input_type image_tensor --pipeline_config_path ../../training/reference/pipeline_augmentation.config --trained_checkpoint_dir ../../training/reference/ --output_directory training/experiment1/exported_model/
Go to the inference_video.py folder and execute the following command lines:
python inference_video.py --labelmap_path label_map.pbtxt --model_path experiments/training/experiment1/exported_model/saved_model --tf_record_path ../data/testing/segment-10023947602400723454_1120_000_1140_000_with_camera_labels.tfrecord --config_path experiments/training/experiment1/exported_model/pipeline.config --output_path animation.mp4
Important: For more information about the Object-Detection-in-Urban-Environment-Project consult the README.md from the link, as it provides a detailed explanation of the execution of the aforementioned scripts.
For this project, a convolutional neural network is used to detect and classify objects using data from Waymo dataset. The model is able to detec pedestrians, cyclists, and vehicles. For achieving the detection and classification of the aforementioned objects, many steps were stablished:
- Perform an extensive data analysis including the computation of label distributions, display of sample images, and checking for object occlusions.
- Decide what augmentations are meaningful for the problem.
- Improve the perfomance of the neural network using augmentation to detect and classify objects.
The waymo dataset provides us with a variety of samples with different lights, weather conditions, object densities, and environments. The waymo dataset also comes with the truth labels, some examples can be shown in the following images:
It is importart to analyze the dataset before performing the cross validation step, for this reason we need to know the classes distribution over the entire dataset. In the project we use 100 tfrecords, and from which we found the following information:
- There are 19734 images in the entires dataset.
- Aproximetely 77% of the dataset corresponds to the vehicles class.
- Aproximetely 22% of the dataset corresponds to the vehicles class.
- Aproximetely 1% of the dataset corresponds to the vehicles class.
- Most of the recordings are from daylight.
As shown in the diagram, the dataset is unbalanced, as there are more samples of vehicles than pedestrians and cyclists. This might cause a poor detection and classification of the pedestrians and even more in the cyclists.
For the Cross Validation step, it was decided to implement the validation set approach. Therefore the dataset was splitted as follows:
- 75% of the dataset belongs to the trainning set.
- 15% of the dataset belongs to the validation set.
- 10% of the dataset belongs to the test set.
This division of the dataset is considered as in the lessons of the nano degree. Before splitting the dataset, a random shuffle technique was considered as it is one of the straight foward techniques that increase the probability to contain all the types of classes, weather conditions, and environments in each partition of the dataset. By doing this, we can have a more generalized model.
This experiment was taken using the pipeline_new.config file, this contained predefined values of the learning rate, warmup learning rate, among others. The results of the trained model with the pipeline_new.config are shown bellow:
As seen from the above images, the mAPs (overall) of the trained model are low. Therefore, this causes a low detection and classification of the objects on the images. The training loss and the validation loss are converging to 0, which indicates that overfitting in the model.
The following image shows the performance of the model:
To improve the previous model, many experiments were performed in the Explore Augmentation.ipynb file. After several experiments, we found out that the best augmentation techniques that helped the model's performance are and are shown bellow:
- Adding random_black_patches (12 patches with a probabiliy of 0.45) = It makes the model more robust for object occlusion.
- Adding random brightness (value = 0.065) = It allows the foggy and nights weather conditions (darker images) to differentiate the objects more clearly.
- Adding random contrast (value = 0.85). It allows the foggy and nights weather conditions (darker images) to differentiate the objects more clearly.
- Adding random crops in the image (value = 0.45) = It allows to extend the amount of data for training and makes the CNN more robust.
Additionally, after incorporating the augmentation techniques, the training of the model presented overfitting. Therefore the learning rate was reduced aproximately by a factor of 10 (value = 0.0035). Finally, a new file was created named pipeline_augmentation.config, this model presented the aforementioned augmentation techniques and had a better performance overall as shown bellow:
As seen from the above images, the mAPs (overall) of the trained model increased from the previous model. Therefore, this causes a better detection and classification of the objects on the images. The training loss and the validation loss are converging to 0, which indicates no overfitting in the model.
The following gif shows the performance of the model with augmentation:
The new model achieved a better performance overall than the previous model. Even though, the mAPs have increased from the new model, it has still some problems in detecting pedestrians and even more in cyclists. The main reason for this is the unbalanced dataset in the classes.
Finally, the comparison of the two models is shown bellow, where the pipeline_new.config (oldest model) is in the left side, and the pipeline_augmentation.config model is in the right:
No Augmentation | Augmentation |
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IMPORTANT Check the full video of the model in action Object Detection in Urban Environment Project.