#Description Welcome to MyBike, your destination for exploring the world of stylish and efficient bicycles. This website is designed to showcase a range of innovative bikes tailored to provide a seamless and enjoyable urban riding experience. From smart features to sleek designs, MyBike is committed to enhancing your daily commute and recreational rides.
Technologies Used HTML: The backbone of the website, providing the structure and content.
CSS: Styling elements for a visually appealing and responsive design.
JavaScript: Enhancing interactivity and dynamic behavior of the website.
SCSS: A preprocessor scripting language that is interpreted or compiled into CSS, offering a more maintainable and organized stylesheet.
Features Navigation The website includes a responsive navigation menu accessible through a menu icon, facilitating easy navigation on various devices. Sections About Us:
Learn about the MyBike philosophy - "Move Free" - emphasizing adaptability and intuitive riding. Compare Bikes:
Explore a selection of bikes, each with its unique features, performance, and pricing. Details:
Dive into the details of MyBike's standout features, including Auto Unlock, Range & Integrated Lights, and Hydraulic Disc Brakes & Lightweight. Contact Us:
Reach out to MyBike through a convenient contact form, or find contact details such as phone number, email, and address. Contact Form The website features a user-friendly contact form for visitors to send messages, providing a direct means of communication. Responsive Design MyBike's website is designed to be responsive, ensuring a seamless experience across various devices, from desktops to smartphones. How to Use Navigation:
Use the navigation menu to explore different sections of the website. Explore Bikes:
In the "Compare Bikes" section, click on each bike to view detailed information and pricing. Learn About Features:
Navigate to the "Details" section to discover the unique features that set MyBike apart. Contact MyBike:
Use the contact form in the "Contact Us" section to send inquiries or messages. - DEMO LINK