- Create a virtual environment
- Install requirements:
python -m pip install requirements/requirements.txt
- Install the package:
python -m pip install .
(run in the root of this repo) - Install required data:
python -c "import nltk;nltk.download('stopwords')"
Use the CLI to view usage details:
➜ tag-dups --help
Usage: tag-dups [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...
Identify duplicates in an plain text file exported from Anki. Save the
results to a new plain text file which can be imported back into Anki.
Importing this file will add a tag to duplicate notes.
--help Show this message and exit.
fuzzy-dups Save duplicates identified in DF - a plain text file...
simple-dups Identify exact duplicates identified in DF - a plain text...
➜ tag-dups fuzzy-dups --help
Usage: tag-dups fuzzy-dups [OPTIONS] DF
Save duplicates identified in DF - a plain text file exported from Anki
using a fuzzy matching algorithm, and save to output file.
--o-duplicates PATH Path to the output file that will contain notes
tagged as duplicates. Import this file into Anki to
tag duplicate notes.
--threshold INTEGER The strictness threshold. Higher integers will
result in a stricter threshold for determining
--append / --no-append Append results to existing output file.
--help Show this message and exit.