This repository consist of the programs in C language for DSA(Practical Assignment)💻
- Write a program to implement Matrix multiplication.
- Write a program to implement Tower Of Hanoi problem.
- Write a program to implement Matrix multiplication.
- Write a program to implement Tower Of Hanoi problem.
- Write a program of implementation of the following functions in an array:
- Insert an element into a specific position.
- Delete an element from a specific position.
- Write a program to implement a STACK using Array:
- Write a program to implement a LINEAR QUEUE using Array:
- Write a program to implement a CIRCULAR QUEUE using Array:
- WAP to convert a expression to its postfix equivalent using stack
- Write program to evaluate an user given Postfix expression.
- Write a program to sort an array using Insertion sort
- Write a program to sort an array using Bubble sort.
- Write a program to sort an array using Selection sort
- Write a program to search an element using Interpolation Search algorithm
- Write a program to search an element using Binary Search algorithm
- Write a program to search an element using Linear Search algorithm.
- Write a program to display FIBONACCI series and FACTORIAL of a number using recursion.
- Write a program to sort n numbers using function by the Quick Sort methods.
- WAP to implement linear queue using array and linked list.
- WAP to implement circular queue using array and linked list.
- WAP to declare a priority queue using two-dimensional array, store elements and priority. Display the elements according to priority from higher to lower.
- Write a menu driven program to implement a singly linked list.
- Write a menu driven program to implement a doubly linked list.
- WAP to count the no. of leaf nodes in a binary tree.
- WAP to implement a binary search tree:
- WAP to input a graph G = (V, E) as an adjacency matrix. Include functions to
Test if G is complete. Obtain the degree of a node u, if G is undirected, and indegree and outdegree of node u if G is directed. - WAP to input a graph G = (V, E) as an adjacency list. Include two functions BFT and DFT to undertake breadth first traversal and depth first traversal of the graph.
- Write a programme to solve N-Queen problem.
- WAP to store k keys into an array of size n at the location computed using a hash function, loc = key % n, where k<=n and k takes values from [1 to m], m>n. To handle the collisions use the following collision resolution techniques,
- Linear probing
- Quadratic probing
- Double hashing/rehashing
- Chaining
- Implement the above program no. 29using hash function Division methods.
- Implement the above program no. 29 using hash function folding methods.