Video Con is a 1:1 real-time video conference application which you can use to have a video call with your family, friends or with anyone whom you send the link of the video conference.
- 1:1 single page video streaming.
- Login details required.
- Video conference possible only when one user shares their "ID" with the other user.
- Call and Hang up anytime you want.
- Initializing Frontend
$ cd client
$ npm i
$ npm start
The above commands runs the application at localhost:3000
- Initializing Backend
npm i
node index.js
# for the developer mode use the following
nodemon index.js
The above command(s) runs the application at localhost:5000
The server of this application has been deployed on Heroku while the frontend is deployed on Netlify. Click here to view the application.
STEP 1: Visit the website and click on the "Allow" button.
STEP 2: Enter your name and click on the "COPY YOUR ID" button. Send the copied link to the user you want to have a video call with.
NOTE: Once you enter your name you can view it on the top of your streaming video like the one given below.