This is a Lego EV3 Paper Airplane Launcher remote control via ssh.
First you nedd to build the EV3D4, or other, but the project is based on that model that is on the EV3's webpage
For run this python program you will need ev3dev(a custom dual-boot firmware for your EV3) and a Wifi USB Dongle. Go here to install.
Install and run program
Then of build your robot and install ev3dev, you need to install the program:
- First connect via ssh to your robot, here is a tutorial
- Then, clone the repository:
git clone
- Go into the directory you recently downloaded:
cd EV3-paper-plane-control
- Run the script,
,and wait for it says "LOG"
Here you have the function of all the keys(this list is thinked for view from back or from a camera, like a mobile phone):
w | Go forward |
s | Go back |
Space bar | Stop all motors |
m | Play StarWars imperial march |
q | Quit the program |
- For run the next time repeat the steps 1,3, and 4