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Add filedialogs build
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k8ieone committed Oct 27, 2024
1 parent e599371 commit 96374a6
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Showing 2 changed files with 178 additions and 1 deletion.
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion extensions/filedialogs/build.gradle
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ jnigen{
libraries = " -lcomdlg32 -lole32"
add(Linux, x64)
add(Linux, x64, ARM)
add(MacOsX, x64)
add(MacOsX, x64, ARM){
cFlags = cppFlags = cppFlags.replace("x86_64", "arm64")
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -48,7 +49,7 @@ task preJni{
task postJni{
from "libs/linux64", "libs/windows32", "libs/windows64", "libs/macosx64"
from "libs/linux64", "libs/linuxarm64", "libs/windows32", "libs/windows64", "libs/macosx64"
into "../../natives/natives-filedialogs/libs"
include "**"
Expand Down
176 changes: 176 additions & 0 deletions extensions/filedialogs/jni/build-linuxarm64.xml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,176 @@
<project name="arc-filedialogs-Linux-arm64" basedir="." default="postcompile">
<!-- include the environment -->
<property environment="env"/>
<!-- output directory for temporary object files -->
<property name="buildDir" value="../build/target/native/linuxarm64" />
<!-- output directory for the shared library -->
<property name="libsDir" value="../libs/linuxarm64" />
<!-- the name of the shared library -->
<property name="libName" value=""/>
<!-- the jni header jniPlatform to use -->
<property name="jniPlatform" value="linux"/>
<!-- the compiler to use when compiling c files -->
<property name="cCompiler" value="gcc"/>
<!-- the compiler to use when compiling c++ files -->
<property name="cppCompiler" value="g++"/>
<!-- the command to use when archiving files -->
<property name="archiver" value="ar"/>
<!-- the compilerPrefix for the C & C++ compilers -->
<property name="compilerPrefix" value="aarch64-linux-gnu-"/>
<!-- the compilerSuffix for the C & C++ compilers -->
<property name="compilerSuffix" value="" />

<!-- define gcc compiler, options and files to compile -->
<property name="gcc" value="${compilerPrefix}${cCompiler}${compilerSuffix}"/>
<property name="gcc-opts" value="-c -Wall -O2 -fmessage-length=0 -fPIC"/>
<fileset id="gcc-files" dir="./">
<exclude name="target/"/>
<include name="memcpy_wrap.c"/>
<include name="tinyfiledialogs.c"/>


<!-- define g++ compiler, options and files to compile -->
<property name="g++" value="${compilerPrefix}${cppCompiler}${compilerSuffix}"/>
<property name="g++-opts" value="-c -Wall -O2 -fmessage-length=0 -fPIC"/>
<fileset id="g++-files" dir="./">
<exclude name="target/"/>
<include name="**/*.cpp"/>


<!-- define linker and options -->
<property name="linker" value="${compilerPrefix}${cppCompiler}${compilerSuffix}"/>
<property name="linker-opts" value="-shared"/>
<property name="libraries" value=""/>

<!-- define stripper -->
<property name="stripper" value="${compilerPrefix}strip${compilerSuffix}"/>

<!-- cleans the build directory, removes all object files and shared libs -->
<target name="clean">
<delete includeemptydirs="true" quiet="true">
<fileset dir="${buildDir}"/>
<fileset dir="${libsDir}" includes="**/*" excludes="**/.svn"/>

<target name="precompile">
<condition property="compiler-found">
<!-- Include both b/c Windows might be either -->
<available file="${g++}" filepath="${env.PATH}"/>
<available file="${g++}" filepath="${env.Path}"/>
<!-- Include both b/c Windows might be either -->
<available file="${gcc}" filepath="${env.PATH}"/>
<available file="${gcc}" filepath="${env.Path}"/>
<condition property="has-compiler">
<equals arg1="${compiler-found}" arg2="true"/>
<condition property="stripper-found">
<!-- Include both b/c Windows might be either -->
<available file="${stripper}" filepath="${env.PATH}"/>
<available file="${stripper}" filepath="${env.Path}"/>
<condition property="should-strip">
<equals arg1="${stripper-found}" arg2="true"/>
<equals arg1="${release}" arg2="true"/>
<!-- Don't strip mac osx libs -->
<contains string="${libName}" substring="dylib"/>


<target name="create-build-dir" depends="precompile" if="has-compiler">
<!-- FIXME this is pretty nasty :/ -->
<copy todir="${buildDir}">
<fileset refid="g++-files"/>
<fileset refid="gcc-files"/>
<fileset dir="${buildDir}">
<include name="*"/>
<exclude name="*.o"/>

<!-- compiles all C and C++ files to object files in the build directory -->
<target name="compile" depends="create-build-dir" if="has-compiler">
<mkdir dir="${buildDir}"/>
<apply failonerror="true" executable="${g++}" dest="${buildDir}" verbose="true">
<arg line="${g++-opts}"/>
<arg value="-Ijni-headers"/>
<arg value="-Ijni-headers/${jniPlatform}"/>
<arg value="-I."/>

<arg value="-o"/>
<fileset refid="g++-files"/>
<mapper type="glob" from="*.cpp" to="*.o"/>
<mapper type="glob" from="*.mm" to="*.o"/>
<apply failonerror="true" executable="${gcc}" dest="${buildDir}" verbose="true">
<arg line="${gcc-opts}"/>
<arg value="-Ijni-headers"/>
<arg value="-Ijni-headers/${jniPlatform}"/>
<arg value="-I."/>

<arg value="-o"/>
<fileset refid="gcc-files"/>
<mapper type="glob" from="*.c" to="*.o"/>
<mapper type="glob" from="*.m" to="*.o"/>

<!-- links the shared library based on the previously compiled object files -->
<target name="link" depends="compile" if="has-compiler">
<fileset dir="${buildDir}" id="objFileSet">
<include name="**/*.o" />
<pathconvert pathsep=" " property="objFiles" refid="objFileSet" />
<mkdir dir="${libsDir}" />
<exec executable="${linker}" failonerror="true" dir="${buildDir}">
<arg line="${linker-opts}" />
<arg value="-o" />
<arg path="${libsDir}/${libName}" />
<arg line="${objFiles}"/>
<arg line="${libraries}" />

<!-- strips the shared library of debug symbols -->
<target name="strip" depends="link" if="should-strip">
<exec executable="${stripper}" failonerror="true" dir="${buildDir}">
<arg value="--strip-unneeded"/>
<arg path="${libsDir}/${libName}" />

<target name="postcompile" depends="strip">


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