This is a Blogging Application for the GEEKS. It allows the users to view various posts on the home page of the website and also post some refreshing content about the booming technologies and computer science subjects. Features like register, update user profile, upload profile picture, login, logout, create new post, update and delete the existing post is available on this website. Note- Users can update and delete only their own posts. You can only post after creating an account.
This website is created on Django Framework
TECH USED Frontend - HTML, CSS and Bootstrap Backend - Python & Django Database Used- SQLite Hosted on free hosting site - pythonanywhere.comSQLite is Django's default database, you can also use other databases like-PostgreSQL, MySQL, and Oracle, without disturbing the models .
Features offered by this website- 1.Register 2.Login 3.Logout 4.Update your Profile 5.Upload Profile picture 6.Create a new post(only if logged in) 7.Update or delete your post. 8.User is able to see posts done by other users (but edit only your their own posts)
Email- [email protected]