This repository contains source code for the Dashboard frontend.
- node 20.8.1
- Nuxt 3
- Vue 3 w/ TypeScript
- Pinia Store
- NaiveUI
- TailwindCSS
- Wagmi & viem
API interaction should be done with fetch
api wrapper. Globally imported as $api
await $api.get('/login', formData);
Blockchain connection is realized with viem and wagmi. For easier integration, a vue wrapper is used: use-wagmi. Docs for react hooks work with use-wagmi:
Wagmi config is in ~/plugins/use-wagmi.ts
. Connectors, available chains and RPC urls can be defined here.
Errors are handled with the global function userFriendlyMsg
and displayed as toast message with Naive UI. Error messages need to be translated, so error messages are written to ~/locales/en.json
} catch (error) {
Many common tasks can be solved with using helper functions from vueuse. Use those instead of reinventing the wheel.
Use <Image />
component to lazy load images. Implements v-lazy-image. :src
can be link to (eg. public assets ./images/test.png
), or image imported as module.
For images that dont need lazy load, use html <img>
. The :src
can then also be provided with resolve token (eg. ~/assets/images/test.png
import imgTest from '~/assets/images/test.png';
<image :src="imgTest" width="1436" height="1513" />
<image src="./images/test.png" width="1436" height="1513" />
<img src="~/assets/images/test.png" width="1436" height="1513" />
Add icon svg to /assets/icons
, then use <NuxtIcon :name="" />
component to use the icon - set name prop to filename. Implements nuxt-icons.
Control size with font-size.
<NuxtIcon name="larr" class="inline-block text-[18px] mr-3 align-middle" />
To open and edit icons from font Apillon, open ( and import file 'assets\css\fonts\apillon\selection.json'.
Control size with font-size and color.
<span class="icon-${iconName} text-xl mr-2"></span>
For basic styles, use tailwind breakpoint system. For js usage, use useScreen
const screens = reactive(useScreen());
// or
const { isXl } = useScreen();
<div v-if="screens.isXl" class="w-8 h-8 bg-red"></div>
<div v-else class="w-8 h-8 bg-blue"></div>