Deploy al necessary resources for ECS apps
module "my_service" {
source = "Aplyca/ecsdeploy/aws"
version = "0.1.1"
cluster = "MYCLUSTER"
desired = 1
balancer = {
name = "MyALB"
path = "/healthcheck"
healthy_threshold = "2"
unhealthy_threshold = "3"
interval = "30"
timeout = "5"
protocol = "HTTP"
repositories = [{
name = "App"
mutability = "MUTABLE"
scan = true
task_file = "task.json.tpl"
task_vars = {
app_tag = "master"
app_name = "MyApp"
service = "MyService"
env = "Production"
container = "Web"
container_port = "80"
# Parameter value is not supported here. You should set the value manually from the AWS console.
parameters = [{
description = "Description of this parameter"
volumes = [{
name = "MyApp-Storage"
host_path = "/mnt/myapp-storage"
Example of a Task definition
"name": "${container}",
"portMappings": [{
"hostPort": ${container_port},
"protocol": "tcp",
"containerPort": ${container_port}
"logConfiguration": {
"logDriver": "awslogs",
"options": {
"awslogs-group": "${log_group}",
"awslogs-region": "${region}",
"awslogs-stream-prefix": "${service}"
"image": "${App}:${app_tag}"
Example of service using capacity providers
module "my_service" {
source = ""
# Others settings
# Example to add capacity providers
launch_type = null
capacity_provider_strategies = [
# base = 0
# weight = 1
capacity_provider =
# Example to add a custom placement strategies
ordered_placement_strategies = [
field = "attribute:ecs.availability-zone"
type = "spread"
field = "memory"
type = "binpack"
Example of One Task Per Host placement strategy and constrains
module "my_service" {
source = ""
# Others settings
## One Task Per Host
placement_constraints = {
type = "distinctInstance"
expression = ""
ordered_placement_strategies = []
Example of Rolling update deployment options
module "my_service" {
source = ""
# Others settings
## Rolling update deployment options
deployment_maximum_percent = 100
deployment_minimum_healthy_percent = 50