- What is Git? Git - About Version Control
- Version control basics: snapshots, repositories, commits. Git Basics - What is Version Control?
- Installing Git: instructions for different platforms. Git Downloads
- Configuring Git: setting up user details and preferences. Git Configuration
- Initializing a Git repository: git init command. Git Init
- Working directory, staging area, and repository. Git Basics - Recording Changes to the Repository
- Basic Git commands:
- git add: stage changes. Git Add
- git commit: save changes to the repository. Git Commit
- git status: check status of files. Git Status
- git log: view commit history. Git Log
- Branching and merging:
- Creating branches: git branch. Git Branch
- Switching branches: git checkout. Git Checkout
- Merging branches: git merge. Git Merge
- Resolving merge conflicts. Resolving Merge Conflicts
- What is GitHub? GitHub - About
- Signing up for a GitHub account. GitHub Signup
- Creating a new repository on GitHub. Creating a Repository on GitHub
- Cloning a repository to your local machine: git clone. Cloning a Repository
- Adding a remote repository: git remote add. Adding a Remote
- Forking repositories. Forking a Repository
- Cloning forked repositories. Cloning a Fork
- Making changes:
- Editing files locally. Editing Files Locally
- Adding and committing changes. Adding and Committing Changes
- Pushing changes to GitHub: git push. Pushing Changes to GitHub
- Pulling changes from a remote repository: git pull. Pulling Changes from a Remote Repository
- What are pull requests? About Pull Requests
- Creating a pull request. Creating a Pull Request
- Reviewing pull requests. Reviewing Pull Requests
- Merging pull requests. Merging a Pull Request
- What are GitHub issues? About Issues
- Creating issues. Creating an Issue
- Linking issues to pull requests. Linking Issues to Pull Requests
- Closing issues. Closing an Issue
- Feature branching workflow. Feature Branching Workflow
- Git flow workflow. Git Flow Workflow
- GitHub flow workflow. GitHub Flow Workflow
- Git rebase: rewriting commit history. Git Rebase
- Git bisect: finding bugs with binary search. Git Bisect
- Git submodules: managing nested repositories. Git Submodules
- GitHub Actions: automated workflows. GitHub Actions
- GitHub Pages: hosting documentation or websites. GitHub Pages
- Writing clear commit messages. Writing Good Commit Messages
- Keeping commits atomic and focused.
- Using branches effectively.
- Communicating clearly in pull requests and issues.
- Regularly updating and maintaining repositories.
- Common Git and GitHub errors and how to resolve them.
- Git and GitHub documentation. Git Documentation GitHub Documentation
- Online tutorials and community forums. Online Tutorials and Community Forums
- Advanced topics for further learning. Advanced Learning Topics