This project is one of the Assignment of CS 106B from stanford University.
Starter code and problem documentation can be found on the following website
Finds path between two places in a map
Path searching was implemented by four diffrent algorithms:
Finds a shortest path that has smallest number of nodes.
My Sollution - Breadth-first search
Finds a cheapest path that has lowest cost nodes.
My Sollution - Dijkstras
Exactly does the dijkstras algorithm dose, onley faster. It Uses a Heuristics to guess the end position's path.
My Sollution - A_Star
Finds an alternative path to reach the end position. It Uses A* / Dijkastras algortihm internally to finds the best alternative path after the orignal best path.(We Assume atleast 20% path should be diffrent than best path found by dijkstra/A* ).
My Sollution - Alternative Route Search