Note: Hotfix1 fixes errors during installation of some APWorld
New Games
- Kingdom Hearts [@gaithern] #3201
- Mega Man 2 [@Silvris] #3256
- Old School Runescape [@digiholic] #1976
- Yacht Dice [@spinerak] #3482
- Allow worlds to change title more easily [@qwint] #3297
- Escape markup sent in chat messages [@gurglemurgle5] #3659
- Explicitly parse url arg as an archipelago:// url [@qwint] #3568
- Fix bug when using Connect button without a disconnect [@qwint] #3609
- Forget password when disconnecting [@qwint] #3641
- Made local datapackage load correctly if it was overriden by a custom one [@Ishigh1] #3722
- Avoid error launching BizHawkClient via Launcher CLI [@remyjette] #3554
- Misc fixes [@Zunawe] #3938 #3910
SNI Client
- Better error reporting and error handling [@beauxq] #3911
- Update SNI and ship Win7-compatible build in the Win7 download [@black-sliver] #4088
- Add Python 3.12 support [@black-sliver] #3290
- macos: fix crash when 'Open Patch' is used [@black-sliver] #4108
- safer settings writing [@black-sliver] #3644
- Improve dev docs [@beauxq] #3811 [@gurglemurgle5] #4045 [@EmilyV99] #3600 #3632 [@NewSoupVi] #3552 #3884 [@Exempt-Medic] #3734 #3889 #3485 [@qwint] #3821 [@ReverM] #3876 [@nicholassaylor] #4093 [@Berserker66] #3866
- Add dev FAQ [@qwint] #3156 #3692 [@Exempt-Medic] #3690
- Plando fixes [@Silvris] #3834 #3841
- Rename
[@NewSoupVi] #3571 - Add color conversions for colorama/terminal output [@qwint] #3940
- Add Item.excludable helper function [@NewSoupVi] #4080
- Add race mode to multidata and datastore [@alwaysintreble] #4017
- Add Version string to Launcher title [@PoryGone] #4107
- Change start inventory from pool to warn when nothing to remove [@qwint] #3158
- Change yaml_output to output a full csv [@alwaysintreble] #3653
- Check parent_region.can_reach first in Location.can_reach [@Mysteryem] #3724
- Dump all item placements for generation failures [@alwaysintreble] #3237
- early_local != local_early [@Exempt-Medic] #3780
- Fix
[@remyjette] #3611 - Fix Generate's slot parsing to default unknown slot names to file name [@qwint] #3795
- Fix incorrect default state checked in MultiWorld.can_beat_game [@Mysteryem] #3813
- Fix invalid package of zipped worlds [@Silvris] #3686
- Fix item links for alternate menu regions [@qwint] #4097
- Fix missing import for
[@alwaysintreble] #3731 - Fix pickling plando connections [@Silvris] #4054
- Fix single player item links [@Silvris] #3721
- Have webhost slot name links go through the launcher [@alwaysintreble] #2779
- Improve death link option description [@Zunawe] #3951
- Make excluded locations and priority locations excluded and remove unreachable code [@Exempt-Medic] #3424
- Make shlex split an attempt with regular split retry [@Berserker66] #4046
- Migrate item links out of main [@alwaysintreble] #2914
- Move
instead ofstored_data
[@alwaysintreble] #4020 - Properly fall back to a world's
[@nex3] #4109 - Recontextualize
[@alwaysintreble] #3723 - Region handling customization [@Berserker66] #3682
- Remove broken unused code from
[@NewSoupVi] #3781 - Rename
[@Berserker66] #3955 - Require excluded locations to be reachable with full/locations accessibility [@Exempt-Medic] #3802
- Rework accessibility [@alwaysintreble] #1481
- Fix Item Links for accessibility [@NewSoupVi] #4096
- Save default settings before opening host.yaml for users [@qwint] #4042
- Turn MultiServer
into instance vars [@Berserker66] #4053 - Better warning in Launcher [@Exempt-Medic] #3782
- Options cleanup [@Exempt-Medic] #3782
- Use base collect/remove for item link groups [@qwint] #3999
- Use shlex splitting instead of whitespace splitting for client and server commands [@Berserker66] #4011
- Detect and account for apworlds being downloaded with a (1) in their name [@silasary] #4144
- Remove
[@Berserker66] #2239 - Fix
for cross-world items [@KScl] #3732 - Generate: Prevent ini Files from Being Included in YAML Discovery [@nicholassaylor] #4127
- kvui: abstract away client tab additions [@Silvris] #3950
- Launcher: Add link to the official site [@nicholassaylor] #4091
- Launcher: explicitly handle cli arguments to be passed to the Component [@qwint] #3714
- Launcher: Update message that displays when installing a custom apworld for a game in main [@ScipioWright] #3607
- Improve Generate performance [@Mysteryem] #3678
- Docs: Lastest -> Latest [@ScipioWright] #3616
- Plando Doc Improvements [@palex00] #3902
- Project: Add .code-workspace wildcard to gitignore [@JKLeckr] #3615
- Options: Always verify keys for VerifyKeys options [@alwaysintreble] #3280
- Update worlds for new API [@lordlou] #3372 [@Exempt-Medic] #3685 #3704 #3752 #3908 [@Silvris] #3755 #3767 [@Berserker66] #3760 [@KonoTyran] [@Seatori] #3765 #4048 [@nicholassaylor] #4181
- Added and improved various tests and checks [@alwaysintreble] #3392 #3530 #3788 [@Berserker66] #4006 [@Mysteryem] #4010 [@nicholassaylor] #4128 #4137 #4138 #4140 #4141 [@qwint] #3823 [@Exempt-Medic] #3773 [@NewSoupVi] #3998
- Fix memory leaks [@black-sliver] #3864 #3636 #3637
- Add limits to commands [@Berserker66] #3858
- Fix NamedRange range and presets [@remyjette] #4063 [@remyjette] #3613
- Fix tracker crash when if-modified-since header is used [@black-sliver] #4125
- Fix too-many-players error not showing [@black-sliver] #4033
- Fix OptionList default value display [@Exempt-Medic] #3791
- Improve Host Room command/log display [@black-sliver] #3948 #3603
- Improve image asset performance [@black-sliver] #4123 #4073 #4071
- Rework FAQ and Glossary for noscript [@Berserker66] #4061 [@black-sliver] #4103
- Added Games Of A Seed To The User Content Page [@mrkssr] #3585
- Adds link to other players' trackers in player hints [@korydondzila] #3569
- Add config override argument [@Berserker66] #3701
- Fix typos [@ScipioWright] #3622 [@Draexzhan] #3896
Game Updates
- Introduction of new poptracker pack [@palex00, @tioui] #4037 #4056
- Various logic fixes [@tioui] #4057 #3679 #3533 #4199
- Fix various issues involving logic, plando, and options [@TRPG0] #3355 [@Exempt-Medic] #3901
Bomb Rush Cyberfunk
- Fix Coil quest in glitched logic too early [@TRPG0] #3720
- Fix final graffiti location being unobtainable [@TRPG0] #3669
Bumper Stickers
- Add hazard bumpers to completion [@FelicitusNeko] #3991
Castlevania 64
- Fix some textbox message truncation issues [@LiquidCat64] #4157
- Fix DeathLink Nitro explosions hitting you at times they shouldn't [@LiquidCat64] #4158
- Description and guides were updated, and code was refactored [@SunCatMC] #4145 #4147 [@Exempt-Medic, @SunCatMC] #3725
Dark Souls 3
- Version 3.0.0 [@nex3] #3128
- Major improvements include randomizing all locations, enemy randomizer support, and showing foreign item names.
- Old YAMLs are no longer compatible and there is a new setup process.
- Adding nex3 as a world maintainer [@nex3] #3882
DLC Quest
- Add options groups and presets [@agilbert1412] #3677 #3676
DOOM 1993
- Fix sector 95 assignment in DOOM II MAP17 to correctly flag BFG9000 location as in the Yellow Key area [@sgrunt] #3705
- Update Steam URLs [@KScl] #3746
- Fix ap-get-technology nil value crashes [@CaitSith2] #3517
- Support 2.0 update [@Berserker66] #4110
Final Fantasy Mystic Quest
- Efficiency Improvement and Use New Options Methods [@Alchav] #2767
- Fix reset protection [@Alchav] #3710
- Add FFMQ French Setup Guide + Minor fixes to English Guide [@wildham0] #3590
A Hat in Time
- Fix act shuffle test fail [@CookieCat45] #3522
- Fix Death Wish option check typo [@CookieCat45] #3978
- Fix massive lag spikes in extremely large multiworlds, add extra security to prevent loading the wrong save file for a seed [@CookieCat45] #3718
- Fix moderate logic rules using
instead ofset_rule
[@Mysteryem] #3850 - Fix thug shops having 0 items after the first shop that rolls 0 items [@Mysteryem] #3799
- Fix Time Rift - Alpine Skyline entrance logic [@Mysteryem] #3851
- Generation error fixes and some other bug fixes [@CookieCat45] #3663
- Update Setup Guide [@CookieCat45] #3647
Hollow Knight
- Add grub hunt goal [@qwint] #3203 #4094 [@Mysteryem] #3750
- Add race bool to slot data [@qwint] #3971
- Replace "hook" in Precise Movement description to "claw" [@Nocallia] #4078
- Fix typo [@Exempt-Medic] #3932
- Code cleanup [@BadMagic100] #3988 [@qwint] #3886 #3428 #3667
- Added Brazilian Portuguese Translation for setup guide [@JoaoVictor-FA] #3909
Kingdom Hearts 2
- Hotfix update for game version [@JaredWeakStrike] #3534
- Update the docs to support steam in the setup guide [@JaredWeakStrike] #3711
- Support for the new poptracker pack [@palex00] #4104 #4031
Kirby's Dream Land 3
The Legend of Zelda
- Fix non-deterministic item pool generation [@Mysteryem] #3779
- Fix determinism / Add Location Name Groups / Remove Level 9 Junk Fill [@t3hf1gm3nt] #3670
- Assorted Logic Fixes [@t3hf1gm3nt] #4203
- Add panels mode door shuffle [@hatkirby] #3163
- Add option to prevent shuffling postgame [@hatkirby] #3350
- Various minor fixes [@hatkirby] #3947 #3654 #3703 #3672 #3645 #3699 #3793 #4119 #4086
Link's Awakening DX
- Add an item group for instruments [@ladybunne] #3666
- Adding Slot Data For Magpie Tracker [@mrkssr] #3582
- Define filler item, fix for extra golden leaves [@threeandthreee] #3918
- Ghost fills ammo to initial max [@threeandthreee] #4005
A Link to the Past
- Correcting the plando documentation [@Exempt-Medic] #3835
- Bombable Wall to Crystaroller Room Logic [@Alchav] #3627
- Use auto indirect conditions [@Mysteryem] #4153
- Fix a bug in Triforce Pieces Mode: Extra [@Kappatechy] #3784
- Fix own_dungeon option [@alwaysintreble] #3816
- Minor Tweaks to the ALLTP Adjuster UI - no functional changes [@notoriousb1t] #2533
Mario & Luigi Superstar Saga
- Fix for missing cutscene trigger [@jamesbrq] #3599
- Various bugfixes and QoL updates [@jamesbrq] #3744
MegaMan Battle Network 3
- Add missing indirect conditions [@Mysteryem] #3931
The Messenger
- Improve automated installation [@alwaysintreble] #3083 #3904
- Fix some logic rules [@alwaysintreble] #3873 #4041 #3838
Muse Dash
- Update to v4.9.0 - Ensemble Arcanum [@DeamonHunter] #4095 #3837
- Add the useful classification to important perks, making them progression + useful [@ScipioWright] #4030
Ocarina of Time
- Add aliases for Progressive Hookshot [@ScipioWright] #4052
- Fix missing region accessibility updates after
[@Mysteryem] #3712 - Fix plando/item links (again) [@Silvris] #4098
- Move OoT to "unmaintained" [@NewSoupVi] #3894
Overcooked 2
Pokemon Emerald
- Updated to 2.3.0
- Individual Changelog
- Contributors: [@Zunawe] [@nicholassaylor]
- Add Swedish Guide [@Tsukino-uwu] #3252
Pokemon Red and Blue
- Version 5 Update: Partial Trainersanity, Key item logic changes [@Alchav] #3566
- Fix Route 4 Hidden Item logic [@Alchav] #3668
- Fix Victory Road 1F Item logic [@palex00] #4191
Risk of Rain 2
- Remove recursion from explore mode access rules [@Mysteryem] #3681
Secret of Evermore
- Fix seeds not being deterministic [@black-sliver] #3745
- New Options:
A Short Hike
- Fix Boat Rental purchase being incorrectly calculated [@chandler05] #3639
- Adding BrandenEK as a world maintainer [@BrandenEK] #4177
Slay the Spire
- Add DeathLink [@Exempt-Medic] #3704
StarCraft 2
Stardew Valley
- 6.x.x: The Content Update [@agilbert1412, @Jouramie, @Witchybun] #3478
- Update to Stardew Valley 1.6 and randomizing the new content
- Raccoon Bundles
- Booksanity
- Skill Masteries
- New recipes/fish/maps/quests/festivals
- New features
- Walnutsanity
- Customizable Player Buffs
- More customizable special orders, entrance randomizer and bundles.
- New bundles
- Update to Stardew Valley 1.6 and randomizing the new content
- Significant structural improvements to make mod support easier for anyone looking to contribute [@Jouramie]
- Proper support for Universal Tracker [@Jouramie] #3630
Super Mario 64
- Remove outdated information on save bugs from setup guide [@soopercool101] #3879
- Add links to documentation for makeflags and patches [@nicholassaylor] #4092
- Add missing indirect condition for BitFS randomized entrance [@Mysteryem] #3926
- Make the Randomize 1Up !-Blocks option a Toggle [@remyjette] #4152
- Moved to new snake_case_options [@Jarno458] #2485
- Various bugfixes: [@Jarno458] #3777 [@benny-dreamly] #3997 [@Exempt-Medic] #4051
- Add alias for Ladders in Overworld Town [@ScipioWright] #3862
- Add forgotten Laurels rule for Beneath the Vault Boxes [@ScipioWright] #3981
- Add link to logic tricks doc [@ScipioWright] #4087
- Add progression + useful to some items [@ScipioWright] #4066
- Add setting to disable local spoiler to host yaml [@silent-destroyer] #3661
- Add Shop indirect condition [@Mysteryem] #4160
- Better logic for Library Lab glass and Fortress leaf piles [@ScipioWright] #3880
- Deal with the boxes blocking the entrance to Beneath the Vault [@ScipioWright] #3972
- Fix event region for Quarry fuse [@ScipioWright] #3635
- Fix missing traversal req [@ScipioWright] #3740
- Give the fox a gun (in logic) [@ScipioWright] #3790
- Logic Rules Redux [@ScipioWright] #3544
- Make the shop checks require a sword [@ScipioWright] #3620
- Missing slot data bugfix [@silent-destroyer] #3628
- Move 3 locations to Quarry Back [@ScipioWright] #3649
- Sort entrances in the spoiler log [@ScipioWright] #3733
- Fix a few missing tricks in logic [@ScipioWright] #4132
- Fix
[@Exempt-Medic] #3774 - Fixed output location of the patched game in
[@dennisw100] #3418
The Witness
Add "vague" hints making use of other games' region names and location groups [@NewSoupVi] #2921
Implement "Variety" puzzles mode [@NewSoupVi] #3239
Panel Hunt Mode [@NewSoupVi] #3265 #3818
Shuffle Dog [@NewSoupVi] #3425
Add Beginner Mode option preset [@NewSoupVi] #3691
Logic / System fixes [@Mysteryem] #3892 [@NewSoupVi] #3608 #3807
Hint system fixes [@NewSoupVi] #3888 #3861
Unit tests, optimisations, refactors, renamings etc. [@NewSoupVi] #3328 #3693 #3798 #3617 #3852 #3112 #3891 #3618
Yu-Gi-Oh! 2006
New Contributors
- @gurglemurgle5 made their first contribution in #3659
- @ladybunne made their first contribution in #3666
- @JKLeckr made their first contribution in #3615
- @Tsukino-uwu made their first contribution in #3252
- @lilDavid made their first contribution in #3683
- @Mysteryem made their first contribution in #3681
- @Scrungip made their first contribution in #3806
- @gaithern made their first contribution in #3201
- @spinerak made their first contribution in #3482
- @notoriousb1t made their first contribution in #2533
- @Draexzhan made their first contribution in #3896
- @sgrunt made their first contribution in #3705
- @FarisTheAncient made their first contribution in #3776
- @JoaoVictor-FA made their first contribution in #3909
- @soopercool101 made their first contribution in #3879
- @Nocallia made their first contribution in #4078
- @Zannick made their first contribution in #4060
- @Hexadigital made their first contribution in #3457
- @silasary made their first contribution in #4144
Full Changelog: 0.5.0...0.5.1