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Boink is an imperative and interpreted language written in C# for educational purposes and is currently in development.

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Boink is an imperative and interpreted language written in C# for educational purposes and is currently in development.

Aim of Boink is to create a language that is both type safe and easy to write. And also to learn how components of an interpreted language works.


Framework & Language

  • Boink is written with .NET Core and C#.

  • Boink also contains little Python 3 scripts for automation of small things while development, these python scripts are not included in Boink binaries.


You can contribute by opening issues, participating to them or modifying the source code to improve Boink.

Downloading the Source

1. With git

Note: You must have git installed on your device to do this.

  1. Create a suitable directory for Boink source and open a terminal in that directory.
  2. Execute command git clone

2. With GitHub

  1. Go to the top and click the green button that says 'Code' and then click 'Download ZIP'.


1. .NET Core

You need to have .NET Core set up on your machine in order to develop Boink language. It is cross-platform so you can download it according to your operating system.

You can download it from here.

2. Python 3

Python 3 is not necessary but useful for development. Things like generating test cases are automated using python, so having it set up is nice.

You can download it from here.

Setting Up the IDE & Workspace

Visual Studio Code

It is recommended to use Visual Studio Code since it has nice features and lots of third-party extensions. You can download it from here.

Used Extensions:
  1. C# (ms-dotnettools.csharp)
  2. Python (ms-python.python)
  3. C# Sort Using (jongrant.csharpsortusings) (Optional)
  4. C# XML Documentation Comments (k--kato.docomment) (Optional)
  5. Python Docstring Generator (njpwerner.autodocstring) (Optional)
  6. Markdown Preview Mermaid Support (bierner.markdown-mermaid) (Optional)

After you've set up the extension you want, you can directly open the root folder Boink/ in vscode.

Alternatively, you can set up a workspace by adding different source folders you want to your workspace. Source folders have their own README files for additional information on what they try to achieve.

Visual Studio

You can open the Boink.sln file in Visual Studio but a tutorial is not included here. You might have to install .NET support to Visual Studio.

Developing, Building & Testing

Changing or Adding to the Source Code

You can change the source code to improve Boink but you have to follow the guidelines.

  • Follow the dofactory style guide.

  • You should modify or add XML comments to classes, methods, fields and properties. You can use the C# XML Documentation Comments (k--kato.docomment) extension if you use vscode.


Go to the directory where .csproj file exists to build a single project, go to the root folder where the .sln file exists to build all of the projects and run dotnet build

Unit Testing

Go to Boink/src/boinktest and run dotnet test to see the results of the tests and debug accordingly.

Features & Programming Approach of Boink

Control Flow

Without Functions

A Boink program starts interpreting from the first line of the given file. It doesn't require any main function or a class to start executing. This means you can write a Boink program without any functions (Ignoring the fact that the program itself is a function).

# Interprets correctly
int b = 1 + 2
int a = b * 2

With Functions

You can alter the control flow using function calls as you would in languages like Javascript or Python.

fn executeAfter(int b)
    # Executed second.
    int c = b + 1

# Executed first.
int b = 4



Boink is a type safe language aiming to prevent any type mismatch. This means every variable should be declared with a valid type. If not, an error will be thrown before runtime.

Currently valid types:

  • int
  • float
  • double
  • bool
  • string

Types planned to be added:

  • list
  • array
  • set


# Correct.
int a
a = 1
# Throws an error.
int a
a = 1.5
# Correct.
# (Arrow operator signifies return type)
fn half(int whole) -> float
    give whole/2

float x = half(1)   # gives 0.5
fn half(int whole) -> double
    give whole/2

# Throws an error.
# int and double mismatch
int x = half(1)


Just like type checking, Boink also checks for previous definitions of variables and throws errors accordingly. A variable (including functions) must be defined before reference and only once.

Global Variables

Global variables in Boink are readable from inner scopes but can't be changed globally. Attempt to assign or declare a variable with the same name will override the definition of the global variable.

double PI = 3.1415
fn getPerimeter(double radius) -> double
    # Can perfectly read global variable PI.
    give PI * radius * 2

double perimeter = getPerimeter(2.0)  # gives 12.566
int foo = 1
fn bar() -> int
    foo = 2 # Override the 'foo' definition
    give foo + 1

int result = bar()  # It's 3 but 'foo' is still 1 in this scope

You can also override a global variable with a different type.

int foo = 1
fn bar() -> double
    double foo = 2.0 # Override the 'foo' definition with another type
    give foo + 1

float result = bar() # It's 3 but 'foo' is still 1 in this scope.

Same logic for overriding applies to nested functions.

fn foo() -> int
    int one = 0
    fn bar() -> int
        int one = 1 # Override 'one' from outer scope
        give one
    give bar()
int result = foo() # It's 1

Note that this overriding only works for different scopes. For example:

int b = 1
# Throws an error.
int b = 2


Every variable should be declared before being referenced. Even though they would be theoretically declared during runtime, semantic analyzer forces variables to be declared literally before a reference (as in line number or position) since Boink uses a top-to-down approach when reading syntax nodes.

int a = 1
fn increment() -> int
    # Works.
    give a + 1

int b = increment() # Gives 2
fn increment() -> int
    # Semantic analyzer throws an error
    # because 'a' is not defined before this declaration
    # even though this would work in Python
    give a + 1

int a
int b = increment()


1. Lexical Analysis

Boink first goes through every character and converts words into Tokens which is also called tokenization.


bool definitelyNotTrue = false
    int numberOfTheBeasts = 666

Lexed tokens in this example tokens would be as follows:

  • BoolType,
  • Word,
  • Equals,
  • BoolLiteral,
  • NewLine,
  • If,
  • LeftParenthesis
  • Word,
  • RightParenthesis,
  • NewLine,
  • IntType,
  • Word,
  • Equals,
  • IntLiteral,
  • SemiColon,
  • NewLine (A new line is always added to the text by Boink)

2. Parsing

Every token is processed and converted into meaningful syntax nodes while parsing which make up the abstract syntax tree. An abstract syntax tree (AST for short) allows Boink to traverse in it and make the Boink code easier to process.


fn thisIsAFunc(int argOne) -> int
    int result = argOne
    give result

Parsed tree would be as follows for this code:

    "ProgramSyntax": {
        "Statements": [
                "FunctionSyntax": {
                    "Name": "<Word: 'thisIsAFunc'>",
                    "Arguments": [
                            "DeclarationSyntax": {
                                "Variable Type": {
                                    "TypeSyntax": {
                                        "Token": "<IntType: 'int'>"
                                "Name": "argOne"
                    "Statements": [
                            "DeclarationSyntax": {
                                "Variable Type": {
                                    "TypeSyntax": {
                                        "Token": "<IntType: 'int'>"
                                "Name": "result",
                                "Expression": {
                                    "VariableSyntax": {
                                        "Name": "argOne"
                            "GiveSyntax": {
                                "Expression": {
                                    "VariableSyntax": {
                                        "Name": "result"

3. Semantic Analysis

Syntax nodes which were generated by the parser are now analyzed for type and definition checking. Semantic analyzer traverses through the AST and gives information or errors if necessary which will stop the interpreter from execution.


int a = b
------ Semantic Analysis ----

DEFINITION: Boink.Types.int_: a defined in scope global.

------------- End -----------
UndefinedSymbolError: Variable 'b' is not defined. Error Position: (1, 9)
IncompatibleTypesError: Type  and Boink.Types.int_ are not compatible for assignment. Error Position: (1, 1)

4. Interpretation

Interpretation is the process where the code actually runs. Instead of compiling the source code (or the AST) into a binary file, Boink just converts them into C# code which is executed during the process of reading the AST. So Boink doesn't deal with any assembly or machine code, it just interprets the Boink syntax into C# syntax just in time.

During interpretation, information about a function call and variables inside that function are stored in data structures called activation records. Activation records are stored in the call stack. These records actually store a value of a variable (unlike the semantic analyzer) and can read/write to those variables.


fn foo() -> int
    int one = 0
    fn bar() -> int
        int one = 1 # Override 'one' from outer scope
        give one
    give bar()
int result = foo() # It's 1
------- START OF FUNCTION test.boink -------
------- START OF FUNCTION foo -------
------- START OF FUNCTION bar -------
-------- END OF FUNCTION bar --------
3 bar
   one: 1

2 foo
   one: 0
   bar: <function_ 'bar'>

1 test.boink
   foo: <function_ 'foo'>

-------- END OF FUNCTION foo --------
2 foo
   one: 0
   bar: <function_ 'bar'>

1 test.boink
   foo: <function_ 'foo'>

-------- END OF FUNCTION test.boink --------
1 test.boink
   foo: <function_ 'foo'>
   result: 1


Boink is an imperative and interpreted language written in C# for educational purposes and is currently in development.







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