feat: user balance and balance visibility toggle #8726
10 errors
Error: React act warning detected:
Warning: An update to %s inside a test was not wrapped in act(...).
When testing, code that causes React state updates should be wrapped into act(...):
act(() => {
/* fire events that update state */
/* assert on the output */
This ensures that you're testing the behavior the user would see in the browser. Learn more at https://reactjs.org/link/wrap-tests-with-act%s ImportWallet
at ImportWallet (/home/runner/work/arkvault/arkvault/src/domains/wallet/pages/ImportWallet/ImportWallet.tsx:3027:67)
at Route (/home/runner/work/arkvault/arkvault/node_modules/.pnpm/[email protected][email protected]/node_modules/react-router/cjs/react-router.js:664:29)
at ProfileSynchronizerWrapper (/home/runner/work/arkvault/arkvault/src/utils/testing-library.tsx:161:41)
at Router (/home/runner/work/arkvault/arkvault/node_modules/.pnpm/[email protected][email protected]/node_modules/react-router/cjs/react-router.js:283:30)
at BalanceVisibilityProvider (/home/runner/work/arkvault/arkvault/src/app/contexts/BalanceVisibility/BalanceVisibility.tsx:6:38)
at NavigationProvider (/home/runner/work/arkvault/arkvault/src/app/contexts/Navigation/Navigation.tsx:6:31)
at ConfigurationProvider (/home/runner/work/arkvault/arkvault/src/app/contexts/Configuration/Configuration.tsx:19:34)
at LedgerProvider (/home/runner/work/arkvault/arkvault/src/app/contexts/Ledger/Ledger.tsx:8:27)
at EnvironmentProvider (/home/runner/work/arkvault/arkvault/src/app/contexts/Environment/Environment.tsx:9:32)
at I18nextProvider (/home/runner/work/arkvault/arkvault/node_modules/.pnpm/[email protected][email protected][email protected][email protected][email protected]/node_modules/react-i18next/dist/es/I18nextProvider.js:7:5)
at WithProviders (/home/runner/work/arkvault/arkvault/src/utils/testing-library.tsx:76:26)
at RouterWrapper (/home/runner/work/arkvault/arkvault/src/utils/testing-library.tsx:170:28)
❯ ImportWallet src/domains/wallet/pages/ImportWallet/ImportWallet.tsx:3027:67
❯ Route node_modules/.pnpm/[email protected][email protected]/node_modules/react-router/cjs/react-router.js:664:29
❯ ProfileSynchronizerWrapper src/utils/testing-library.tsx:161:41
❯ Router node_modules/.pnpm/[email protected][email protected]/node_modules/react-router/cjs/react-router.js:283:30
❯ BalanceVisibilityProvider src/app/contexts/BalanceVisibility/BalanceVisibility.tsx:6:38
❯ NavigationProvider src/app/contexts/Navigation/Navigation.tsx:6:31
❯ ConfigurationProvider src/app/contexts/Configuration/Configuration.tsx:19:34
❯ LedgerProvider src/app/contexts/Ledger/Ledger.tsx:8:27
❯ EnvironmentProvider src/app/contexts/Environment/Environment.tsx:9:32
❯ I18nextProvider node_modules/.pnpm/[email protected][email protected][email protected][email protected][email protected]/node_modules/react-i18next/dist/es/I18nextProvider.js:7:5
❯ WithProviders src/utils/testing-library.tsx:76:26
❯ RouterWrapper src/utils/testing-library.tsx:170:28
❯ Console.<anonymous> src/utils/test-plugins.ts:9:11
❯ Console.mockCall node_modules/.pnpm/@vitest[email protected]/node_modules/@vitest/spy/dist/index.js:61:17
❯ Console.error node_modules/.pnpm/[email protected]/node_modules/tinyspy/dist/index.js:45:80
❯ printWarning node_modules/.pnpm/[email protected][email protected]/node_modules/react-dom/cjs/react-dom.development.js:86:30
❯ error node_modules/.pnpm/[email protected][email protected]/node_modules/react-dom/cjs/react-dom.development.js:60:7
❯ warnIfUpdatesNotWrappedWithActDEV node_modules/.pnpm/[email protected][email protected]/node_modules/react-dom/cjs/react-dom.development.js:27628:9
❯ scheduleUpdateOnFiber node_modules/.pnpm/[email protected][email protected]/node_modules/react-dom/cjs/react-dom.development.js:25547:5
❯ dispatchSetState node_modules/.pnpm/[email protected][email protected]/node_modules/react-dom/cjs/react-dom.development.js:16708:7
❯ node_modules/.pnpm/[email protected][email protected]/node_modules/react-hook-form/src/useForm.ts:168:9
❯ node_modules/.pnpm/[email protected][email protected]/node_modules/react-hook-form/src/useForm.ts:10
Error: React act warning detected:
Warning: An update to %s inside a test was not wrapped in act(...).
When testing, code that causes React state updates should be wrapped into act(...):
act(() => {
/* fire events that update state */
/* assert on the output */
This ensures that you're testing the behavior the user would see in the browser. Learn more at https://reactjs.org/link/wrap-tests-with-act%s LedgerProvider
at LedgerProvider (/home/runner/work/arkvault/arkvault/src/app/contexts/Ledger/Ledger.tsx:8:27)
at EnvironmentProvider (/home/runner/work/arkvault/arkvault/src/app/contexts/Environment/Environment.tsx:9:32)
at I18nextProvider (/home/runner/work/arkvault/arkvault/node_modules/.pnpm/[email protected][email protected][email protected][email protected][email protected]/node_modules/react-i18next/dist/es/I18nextProvider.js:7:5)
at WithProviders (/home/runner/work/arkvault/arkvault/src/utils/testing-library.tsx:76:26)
at RouterWrapper (/home/runner/work/arkvault/arkvault/src/utils/testing-library.tsx:170:28)
❯ LedgerProvider src/app/contexts/Ledger/Ledger.tsx:8:27
❯ EnvironmentProvider src/app/contexts/Environment/Environment.tsx:9:32
❯ I18nextProvider node_modules/.pnpm/[email protected][email protected][email protected][email protected][email protected]/node_modules/react-i18next/dist/es/I18nextProvider.js:7:5
❯ WithProviders src/utils/testing-library.tsx:76:26
❯ RouterWrapper src/utils/testing-library.tsx:170:28
❯ Console.<anonymous> src/utils/test-plugins.ts:9:11
❯ Console.mockCall node_modules/.pnpm/@vitest[email protected]/node_modules/@vitest/spy/dist/index.js:61:17
❯ Console.error node_modules/.pnpm/[email protected]/node_modules/tinyspy/dist/index.js:45:80
❯ printWarning node_modules/.pnpm/[email protected][email protected]/node_modules/react-dom/cjs/react-dom.development.js:86:30
❯ error node_modules/.pnpm/[email protected][email protected]/node_modules/react-dom/cjs/react-dom.development.js:60:7
❯ warnIfUpdatesNotWrappedWithActDEV node_modules/.pnpm/[email protected][email protected]/node_modules/react-dom/cjs/react-dom.development.js:27628:9
❯ scheduleUpdateOnFiber node_modules/.pnpm/[email protected][email protected]/node_modules/react-dom/cjs/react-dom.development.js:25547:5
❯ dispatchReducerAction node_modules/.pnpm/[email protected][email protected]/node_modules/react-dom/cjs/react-dom.development.js:16633:7
❯ src/app/contexts/Ledger/hooks/connection.ts:131:3
❯ src/app/contexts/Ledger/hooks/connection.ts:41:3
This error originated in "src/domains/wallet/pages/ImportWallet/ImportWallet.test.tsx" test file. It doesn't mean the error was thrown inside the file itself, but while it was running.
The latest test that might've caused the error is "should import by address and name". It might mean one of the following:
- The error was thrown, while Vitest was running this test.
- If the error occurred after the test had been completed, this was the last documented test before it was thrown.
Error: Snapshot `WalletDetailAddress > should render 1` mismatched
- Expected
+ Received
@@ -52,11 +52,11 @@
class="flex items-center sm:hidden"
- class="relative inline-flex items-center justify-center rounded-full align-middle transition-all duration-100 h-5 w-5 text-sm ring-6 ring-theme-background shrink-0"
+ class="relative inline-flex items-center justify-center rounded-full align-middle transition-all duration-100 h-5 w-5 text-sm ring-0 ring-theme-background shrink-0"
class="inline-flex h-full w-full items-center justify-center overflow-hidden align-middle rounded-full"
@@ -70,11 +70,11 @@
class="hidden sm:flex sm:items-center"
- class="relative inline-flex items-center justify-center rounded-full align-middle transition-all duration-100 h-11 w-11 text-sm ring-6 ring-theme-background shrink-0"
+ class="relative inline-flex items-center justify-center rounded-full align-middle transition-all duration-100 h-11 w-11 text-sm ring-0 ring-theme-background shrink-0"
class="inline-flex h-full w-full items-center justify-center overflow-hidden align-middle rounded-full"
❯ src/domains/wallet/components/WalletDetailAddress/WalletDetailAddress.test.tsx:12:21
Error: Snapshot `CreateWallet > should create a wallet 1` mismatched
- Expected
+ Received
@@ -512,36 +512,100 @@
class="h-6 border-r border-theme-secondary-300 dark:border-theme-dark-700 sm:h-12"
- aria-expanded="false"
- aria-haspopup="dialog"
- data-testid="dropdown__toggle"
+ class="flex items-center gap-2"
- class="relative cursor-pointer items-center justify-center rounded-full align-middle"
- data-testid="UserMenu"
+ class="m-0 items-center gap-2 space-x-0 hidden md-lg:flex"
- <div
- class="relative inline-flex items-center justify-center rounded-full align-middle transition-all duration-100 h-6 w-6 text-xs ring-6 ring-theme-background shrink-0"
- data-testid="Avatar"
+ <button
+ class="space-x-3 text-base relative items-center inline-flex justify-center font-semibold leading-tight text-center transition-colors-shadow duration-100 ease-linear outline-none rounded focus:outline-none focus:ring-2 focus:ring-theme-primary-400 disabled:cursor-not-allowed border-none p-0 text-theme-secondary-700 dark:text-theme-dark-200"
+ data-testid="HideBalance-button"
+ type="button"
- class="inline-flex h-full w-full items-center justify-center overflow-hidden align-middle rounded-full"
+ class="flex items-center space-x-2"
- <img
- alt="Profile Avatar"
- src="data:image/svg+xml;utf8,<svg version="1.1" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" class="picasso" width="100" height="100" viewBox="0 0 100 100"><style>.picasso circle{mix-blend-mode:soft-light;}</style><rect fill="rgb(233, 30, 99)" width="100" height="100"/><circle r="45" cx="80" cy="30" fill="rgb(76, 175, 80)"/><circle r="55" cx="0" cy="60" fill="rgb(255, 152, 0)"/><circle r="40" cx="50" cy="50" fill="rgb(3, 169, 244)"/></svg>"
- />
+ <div
+ data-testid="HideBalance-icon-show"
+ >
+ <div
+ style="height: 20px; width: 20px;"
+ >
+ <svg
+ id="eye"
+ style="height: 100%; width: 100%;"
+ viewBox="0 0 20 20"
+ x="0"
+ xml:space="preserve"
+ xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"
+ y="0"
+ >
+ <g
+ fill="none"
+ stroke="currentColor"
+ stroke-linecap="round"
+ stroke-linejoin="round"
+ stroke-width="2"
+ >
+ <path
+ d="M10 4.6c-3.2-.1-6.5 2.2-8.6 4.5-.5.5-.5 1.3 0 1.8 2 2.3 5.4 4.6 8.6 4.5 3.3-.1 6.5-2.3 8.6-4.5.5-.5.5-1.3 0-1.8-2.1-2.3-5.4-4.6-8.6-4.5z"
+ />
+ <path
+ d="M13 10c0 1.7-1.3 3-3 3s-3-1.3-3-3 1.3-3 3-3c1.2 0 3 .7 3 3z"
+ />
+ </g>
+ </svg>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ </button>
+ </div>
+ <div
+ aria-expanded="false"
+ aria-haspopup="dialog"
+ data-testid="dropdown__toggle"
+ >
+ <button
+ class="group flex items-center gap-2 rounded bg-transparent p-0 px-1 py-0.5
Error: Snapshot `CreateWallet > should create a wallet with encryption 1` mismatched
- Expected
+ Received
@@ -512,36 +512,100 @@
class="h-6 border-r border-theme-secondary-300 dark:border-theme-dark-700 sm:h-12"
- aria-expanded="false"
- aria-haspopup="dialog"
- data-testid="dropdown__toggle"
+ class="flex items-center gap-2"
- class="relative cursor-pointer items-center justify-center rounded-full align-middle"
- data-testid="UserMenu"
+ class="m-0 items-center gap-2 space-x-0 hidden md-lg:flex"
- <div
- class="relative inline-flex items-center justify-center rounded-full align-middle transition-all duration-100 h-6 w-6 text-xs ring-6 ring-theme-background shrink-0"
- data-testid="Avatar"
+ <button
+ class="space-x-3 text-base relative items-center inline-flex justify-center font-semibold leading-tight text-center transition-colors-shadow duration-100 ease-linear outline-none rounded focus:outline-none focus:ring-2 focus:ring-theme-primary-400 disabled:cursor-not-allowed border-none p-0 text-theme-secondary-700 dark:text-theme-dark-200"
+ data-testid="HideBalance-button"
+ type="button"
- class="inline-flex h-full w-full items-center justify-center overflow-hidden align-middle rounded-full"
+ class="flex items-center space-x-2"
- <img
- alt="Profile Avatar"
- src="data:image/svg+xml;utf8,<svg version="1.1" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" class="picasso" width="100" height="100" viewBox="0 0 100 100"><style>.picasso circle{mix-blend-mode:soft-light;}</style><rect fill="rgb(233, 30, 99)" width="100" height="100"/><circle r="45" cx="80" cy="30" fill="rgb(76, 175, 80)"/><circle r="55" cx="0" cy="60" fill="rgb(255, 152, 0)"/><circle r="40" cx="50" cy="50" fill="rgb(3, 169, 244)"/></svg>"
- />
+ <div
+ data-testid="HideBalance-icon-show"
+ >
+ <div
+ style="height: 20px; width: 20px;"
+ >
+ <svg
+ id="eye"
+ style="height: 100%; width: 100%;"
+ viewBox="0 0 20 20"
+ x="0"
+ xml:space="preserve"
+ xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"
+ y="0"
+ >
+ <g
+ fill="none"
+ stroke="currentColor"
+ stroke-linecap="round"
+ stroke-linejoin="round"
+ stroke-width="2"
+ >
+ <path
+ d="M10 4.6c-3.2-.1-6.5 2.2-8.6 4.5-.5.5-.5 1.3 0 1.8 2 2.3 5.4 4.6 8.6 4.5 3.3-.1 6.5-2.3 8.6-4.5.5-.5.5-1.3 0-1.8-2.1-2.3-5.4-4.6-8.6-4.5z"
+ />
+ <path
+ d="M13 10c0 1.7-1.3 3-3 3s-3-1.3-3-3 1.3-3 3-3c1.2 0 3 .7 3 3z"
+ />
+ </g>
+ </svg>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ </button>
+ </div>
+ <div
+ aria-expanded="false"
+ aria-haspopup="dialog"
+ data-testid="dropdown__toggle"
+ >
+ <button
+ class="group flex items-center gap-2 rounded bg-transparent
Error: Snapshot `CreateWallet > should remove pending wallet if not submitted 1` mismatched
- Expected
+ Received
@@ -512,36 +512,100 @@
class="h-6 border-r border-theme-secondary-300 dark:border-theme-dark-700 sm:h-12"
- aria-expanded="false"
- aria-haspopup="dialog"
- data-testid="dropdown__toggle"
+ class="flex items-center gap-2"
- class="relative cursor-pointer items-center justify-center rounded-full align-middle"
- data-testid="UserMenu"
+ class="m-0 items-center gap-2 space-x-0 hidden md-lg:flex"
- <div
- class="relative inline-flex items-center justify-center rounded-full align-middle transition-all duration-100 h-6 w-6 text-xs ring-6 ring-theme-background shrink-0"
- data-testid="Avatar"
+ <button
+ class="space-x-3 text-base relative items-center inline-flex justify-center font-semibold leading-tight text-center transition-colors-shadow duration-100 ease-linear outline-none rounded focus:outline-none focus:ring-2 focus:ring-theme-primary-400 disabled:cursor-not-allowed border-none p-0 text-theme-secondary-700 dark:text-theme-dark-200"
+ data-testid="HideBalance-button"
+ type="button"
- class="inline-flex h-full w-full items-center justify-center overflow-hidden align-middle rounded-full"
+ class="flex items-center space-x-2"
- <img
- alt="Profile Avatar"
- src="data:image/svg+xml;utf8,<svg version="1.1" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" class="picasso" width="100" height="100" viewBox="0 0 100 100"><style>.picasso circle{mix-blend-mode:soft-light;}</style><rect fill="rgb(233, 30, 99)" width="100" height="100"/><circle r="45" cx="80" cy="30" fill="rgb(76, 175, 80)"/><circle r="55" cx="0" cy="60" fill="rgb(255, 152, 0)"/><circle r="40" cx="50" cy="50" fill="rgb(3, 169, 244)"/></svg>"
- />
+ <div
+ data-testid="HideBalance-icon-show"
+ >
+ <div
+ style="height: 20px; width: 20px;"
+ >
+ <svg
+ id="eye"
+ style="height: 100%; width: 100%;"
+ viewBox="0 0 20 20"
+ x="0"
+ xml:space="preserve"
+ xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"
+ y="0"
+ >
+ <g
+ fill="none"
+ stroke="currentColor"
+ stroke-linecap="round"
+ stroke-linejoin="round"
+ stroke-width="2"
+ >
+ <path
+ d="M10 4.6c-3.2-.1-6.5 2.2-8.6 4.5-.5.5-.5 1.3 0 1.8 2 2.3 5.4 4.6 8.6 4.5 3.3-.1 6.5-2.3 8.6-4.5.5-.5.5-1.3 0-1.8-2.1-2.3-5.4-4.6-8.6-4.5z"
+ />
+ <path
+ d="M13 10c0 1.7-1.3 3-3 3s-3-1.3-3-3 1.3-3 3-3c1.2 0 3 .7 3 3z"
+ />
+ </g>
+ </svg>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ </button>
+ </div>
+ <div
+ aria-expanded="false"
+ aria-haspopup="dialog"
+ data-testid="dropdown__toggle"
+ >
+ <button
+ class="group flex items-center gap-2 rounded bg-tran
Error: Snapshot `CreateWallet > should show an error message if wallet generation failed 1` mismatched
- Expected
+ Received
@@ -512,36 +512,100 @@
class="h-6 border-r border-theme-secondary-300 dark:border-theme-dark-700 sm:h-12"
- aria-expanded="false"
- aria-haspopup="dialog"
- data-testid="dropdown__toggle"
+ class="flex items-center gap-2"
- class="relative cursor-pointer items-center justify-center rounded-full align-middle"
- data-testid="UserMenu"
+ class="m-0 items-center gap-2 space-x-0 hidden md-lg:flex"
- <div
- class="relative inline-flex items-center justify-center rounded-full align-middle transition-all duration-100 h-6 w-6 text-xs ring-6 ring-theme-background shrink-0"
- data-testid="Avatar"
+ <button
+ class="space-x-3 text-base relative items-center inline-flex justify-center font-semibold leading-tight text-center transition-colors-shadow duration-100 ease-linear outline-none rounded focus:outline-none focus:ring-2 focus:ring-theme-primary-400 disabled:cursor-not-allowed border-none p-0 text-theme-secondary-700 dark:text-theme-dark-200"
+ data-testid="HideBalance-button"
+ type="button"
- class="inline-flex h-full w-full items-center justify-center overflow-hidden align-middle rounded-full"
+ class="flex items-center space-x-2"
- <img
- alt="Profile Avatar"
- src="data:image/svg+xml;utf8,<svg version="1.1" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" class="picasso" width="100" height="100" viewBox="0 0 100 100"><style>.picasso circle{mix-blend-mode:soft-light;}</style><rect fill="rgb(233, 30, 99)" width="100" height="100"/><circle r="45" cx="80" cy="30" fill="rgb(76, 175, 80)"/><circle r="55" cx="0" cy="60" fill="rgb(255, 152, 0)"/><circle r="40" cx="50" cy="50" fill="rgb(3, 169, 244)"/></svg>"
- />
+ <div
+ data-testid="HideBalance-icon-show"
+ >
+ <div
+ style="height: 20px; width: 20px;"
+ >
+ <svg
+ id="eye"
+ style="height: 100%; width: 100%;"
+ viewBox="0 0 20 20"
+ x="0"
+ xml:space="preserve"
+ xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"
+ y="0"
+ >
+ <g
+ fill="none"
+ stroke="currentColor"
+ stroke-linecap="round"
+ stroke-linejoin="round"
+ stroke-width="2"
+ >
+ <path
+ d="M10 4.6c-3.2-.1-6.5 2.2-8.6 4.5-.5.5-.5 1.3 0 1.8 2 2.3 5.4 4.6 8.6 4.5 3.3-.1 6.5-2.3 8.6-4.5.5-.5.5-1.3 0-1.8-2.1-2.3-5.4-4.6-8.6-4.5z"
+ />
+ <path
+ d="M13 10c0 1.7-1.3 3-3 3s-3-1.3-3-3 1.3-3 3-3c1.2 0 3 .7 3 3z"
+ />
+ </g>
+ </svg>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ </button>
+ </div>
+ <div
+ aria-expanded="false"
+ aria-haspopup="dialog"
+ data-testid="dropdown__toggle"
+ >
+ <button
+ class="group flex items-center gap-2 roun
Error: Snapshot `CreateWallet > should show an error message for duplicate name 1` mismatched
- Expected
+ Received
@@ -508,36 +508,100 @@
class="h-6 border-r border-theme-secondary-300 dark:border-theme-dark-700 sm:h-12"
- aria-expanded="false"
- aria-haspopup="dialog"
- data-testid="dropdown__toggle"
+ class="flex items-center gap-2"
- class="relative cursor-pointer items-center justify-center rounded-full align-middle"
- data-testid="UserMenu"
+ class="m-0 items-center gap-2 space-x-0 hidden md-lg:flex"
- <div
- class="relative inline-flex items-center justify-center rounded-full align-middle transition-all duration-100 h-6 w-6 text-xs ring-6 ring-theme-background shrink-0"
- data-testid="Avatar"
+ <button
+ class="space-x-3 text-base relative items-center inline-flex justify-center font-semibold leading-tight text-center transition-colors-shadow duration-100 ease-linear outline-none rounded focus:outline-none focus:ring-2 focus:ring-theme-primary-400 disabled:cursor-not-allowed border-none p-0 text-theme-secondary-700 dark:text-theme-dark-200"
+ data-testid="HideBalance-button"
+ type="button"
- class="inline-flex h-full w-full items-center justify-center overflow-hidden align-middle rounded-full"
+ class="flex items-center space-x-2"
- <img
- alt="Profile Avatar"
- src="data:image/svg+xml;utf8,<svg version="1.1" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" class="picasso" width="100" height="100" viewBox="0 0 100 100"><style>.picasso circle{mix-blend-mode:soft-light;}</style><rect fill="rgb(233, 30, 99)" width="100" height="100"/><circle r="45" cx="80" cy="30" fill="rgb(76, 175, 80)"/><circle r="55" cx="0" cy="60" fill="rgb(255, 152, 0)"/><circle r="40" cx="50" cy="50" fill="rgb(3, 169, 244)"/></svg>"
- />
+ <div
+ data-testid="HideBalance-icon-show"
+ >
+ <div
+ style="height: 20px; width: 20px;"
+ >
+ <svg
+ id="eye"
+ style="height: 100%; width: 100%;"
+ viewBox="0 0 20 20"
+ x="0"
+ xml:space="preserve"
+ xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"
+ y="0"
+ >
+ <g
+ fill="none"
+ stroke="currentColor"
+ stroke-linecap="round"
+ stroke-linejoin="round"
+ stroke-width="2"
+ >
+ <path
+ d="M10 4.6c-3.2-.1-6.5 2.2-8.6 4.5-.5.5-.5 1.3 0 1.8 2 2.3 5.4 4.6 8.6 4.5 3.3-.1 6.5-2.3 8.6-4.5.5-.5.5-1.3 0-1.8-2.1-2.3-5.4-4.6-8.6-4.5z"
+ />
+ <path
+ d="M13 10c0 1.7-1.3 3-3 3s-3-1.3-3-3 1.3-3 3-3c1.2 0 3 .7 3 3z"
+ />
+ </g>
+ </svg>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ </button>
+ </div>
+ <div
+ aria-expanded="false"
+ aria-haspopup="dialog"
+ data-testid="dropdown__toggle"
+ >
+ <button
+ class="group flex items-center gap-2 rounded bg-tr
Error: Snapshot `ImportWallet > should render as ledger import 1` mismatched
- Expected
+ Received
@@ -508,36 +508,100 @@
class="h-6 border-r border-theme-secondary-300 dark:border-theme-dark-700 sm:h-12"
- aria-expanded="false"
- aria-haspopup="dialog"
- data-testid="dropdown__toggle"
+ class="flex items-center gap-2"
- class="relative cursor-pointer items-center justify-center rounded-full align-middle"
- data-testid="UserMenu"
+ class="m-0 items-center gap-2 space-x-0 hidden md-lg:flex"
- <div
- class="relative inline-flex items-center justify-center rounded-full align-middle transition-all duration-100 h-6 w-6 text-xs ring-6 ring-theme-background shrink-0"
- data-testid="Avatar"
+ <button
+ class="space-x-3 text-base relative items-center inline-flex justify-center font-semibold leading-tight text-center transition-colors-shadow duration-100 ease-linear outline-none rounded focus:outline-none focus:ring-2 focus:ring-theme-primary-400 disabled:cursor-not-allowed border-none p-0 text-theme-secondary-700 dark:text-theme-dark-200"
+ data-testid="HideBalance-button"
+ type="button"
- class="inline-flex h-full w-full items-center justify-center overflow-hidden align-middle rounded-full"
+ class="flex items-center space-x-2"
- <img
- alt="Profile Avatar"
- src="data:image/svg+xml;utf8,<svg version="1.1" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" class="picasso" width="100" height="100" viewBox="0 0 100 100"><style>.picasso circle{mix-blend-mode:soft-light;}</style><rect fill="rgb(233, 30, 99)" width="100" height="100"/><circle r="45" cx="80" cy="30" fill="rgb(76, 175, 80)"/><circle r="55" cx="0" cy="60" fill="rgb(255, 152, 0)"/><circle r="40" cx="50" cy="50" fill="rgb(3, 169, 244)"/></svg>"
- />
+ <div
+ data-testid="HideBalance-icon-show"
+ >
+ <div
+ style="height: 20px; width: 20px;"
+ >
+ <svg
+ id="eye"
+ style="height: 100%; width: 100%;"
+ viewBox="0 0 20 20"
+ x="0"
+ xml:space="preserve"
+ xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"
+ y="0"
+ >
+ <g
+ fill="none"
+ stroke="currentColor"
+ stroke-linecap="round"
+ stroke-linejoin="round"
+ stroke-width="2"
+ >
+ <path
+ d="M10 4.6c-3.2-.1-6.5 2.2-8.6 4.5-.5.5-.5 1.3 0 1.8 2 2.3 5.4 4.6 8.6 4.5 3.3-.1 6.5-2.3 8.6-4.5.5-.5.5-1.3 0-1.8-2.1-2.3-5.4-4.6-8.6-4.5z"
+ />
+ <path
+ d="M13 10c0 1.7-1.3 3-3 3s-3-1.3-3-3 1.3-3 3-3c1.2 0 3 .7 3 3z"
+ />
+ </g>
+ </svg>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ </button>
+ </div>
+ <div
+ aria-expanded="false"
+ aria-haspopup="dialog"
+ data-testid="dropdown__toggle"
+ >
+ <button
+ class="group flex items-center gap-2 rounded bg-transparent p-0 px-
Error: Snapshot `WalletGroupPage > should render empty list if no wallets 1` mismatched
- Expected
+ Received
@@ -508,36 +508,100 @@
class="h-6 border-r border-theme-secondary-300 dark:border-theme-dark-700 sm:h-12"
- aria-expanded="false"
- aria-haspopup="dialog"
- data-testid="dropdown__toggle"
+ class="flex items-center gap-2"
- class="relative cursor-pointer items-center justify-center rounded-full align-middle"
- data-testid="UserMenu"
+ class="m-0 items-center gap-2 space-x-0 hidden md-lg:flex"
- <div
- class="relative inline-flex items-center justify-center rounded-full align-middle transition-all duration-100 h-6 w-6 text-xs ring-6 ring-theme-background shrink-0"
- data-testid="Avatar"
+ <button
+ class="space-x-3 text-base relative items-center inline-flex justify-center font-semibold leading-tight text-center transition-colors-shadow duration-100 ease-linear outline-none rounded focus:outline-none focus:ring-2 focus:ring-theme-primary-400 disabled:cursor-not-allowed border-none p-0 text-theme-secondary-700 dark:text-theme-dark-200"
+ data-testid="HideBalance-button"
+ type="button"
- class="inline-flex h-full w-full items-center justify-center overflow-hidden align-middle rounded-full"
+ class="flex items-center space-x-2"
- <img
- alt="Profile Avatar"
- src="data:image/svg+xml;utf8,<svg version="1.1" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" class="picasso" width="100" height="100" viewBox="0 0 100 100"><style>.picasso circle{mix-blend-mode:soft-light;}</style><rect fill="rgb(233, 30, 99)" width="100" height="100"/><circle r="45" cx="80" cy="30" fill="rgb(76, 175, 80)"/><circle r="55" cx="0" cy="60" fill="rgb(255, 152, 0)"/><circle r="40" cx="50" cy="50" fill="rgb(3, 169, 244)"/></svg>"
- />
+ <div
+ data-testid="HideBalance-icon-show"
+ >
+ <div
+ style="height: 20px; width: 20px;"
+ >
+ <svg
+ id="eye"
+ style="height: 100%; width: 100%;"
+ viewBox="0 0 20 20"
+ x="0"
+ xml:space="preserve"
+ xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"
+ y="0"
+ >
+ <g
+ fill="none"
+ stroke="currentColor"
+ stroke-linecap="round"
+ stroke-linejoin="round"
+ stroke-width="2"
+ >
+ <path
+ d="M10 4.6c-3.2-.1-6.5 2.2-8.6 4.5-.5.5-.5 1.3 0 1.8 2 2.3 5.4 4.6 8.6 4.5 3.3-.1 6.5-2.3 8.6-4.5.5-.5.5-1.3 0-1.8-2.1-2.3-5.4-4.6-8.6-4.5z"
+ />
+ <path
+ d="M13 10c0 1.7-1.3 3-3 3s-3-1.3-3-3 1.3-3 3-3c1.2 0 3 .7 3 3z"
+ />
+ </g>
+ </svg>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ </button>
+ </div>
+ <div
+ aria-expanded="false"
+ aria-haspopup="dialog"
+ data-testid="dropdown__toggle"
+ >
+ <button
+ class="group flex items-center gap-2 rounded bg-transpar