Releases: Aris-t2/CustomCSSforFx
Custom CSS tweaks for Firefox v4.2.5 + test builds
Full changelog:
userChrome.css: added more descriptions
- (tweak) 'multiple tab lines'
- (tweak) tabs below navigation toolbar (alt) (still WIP, report issues)
[General UI]
- (fix) bookmarks > smaller 'more bookmarks' icon
- (tweak) search bar > search popup > show labels
- (tweak) search bar > search popup > show labels with scrollbars
- (tweak) bookmarks toolbar > multiple lines
- (fix) alternative appearance
- (tweak) tabs below navigation toolbar (alt) (still WIP, report issues)
- (fix) tabs below navigation toolbar (thanks to artemiswkearney)
- (fix) forward_button_hide_when_disabled.css
- (fix) tabs below navigation toolbar (caused by v3 and v4)
Custom CSS tweaks for Firefox v4.2.4 + test builds
Full changelog:
Split some options into versions for Fx102-106 and Fx107+
[General UI]
- (tweak) search bar > search popup > show labels
- (tweak) sidebar > show on hover
- (tweak) bookmarks toolbar > multiple lines
Test builds vX
Changes to fix issues mentioned on current discussions and issue reports.
Custom CSS tweaks for Firefox v4.2.3
Full changelog:
- (tweak) Added more info to
file and restored "default" colors.
- (fix) glitch in classic toolbarbutton appearance caused by v1 release.
- (tweak) custom back/forward buttons appearance > connected to location bar
- (fix) Fx107+: 'multiple tab lines'
- (fix) Fx107+: simulated add-on bar > move status to toolbar
- (removed)
failed to work as expected and was removed. Usetop_toolbar_colors.css
instead. Configuration insidegeneral_variables.css
, if the full release of CustomCSSforFx is used.
[General UI]
- (tweak) hide private mode indicators
- (fix) Fx107+: findbar on top
- (fix) Fx107+: findbar on top > close button at findbars start position
- (fix) Fx107+: findbar compact
Changes and fixes for Fx 107+ work with Fx 102ESR and current 106 release too.
Custom CSS tweaks for Firefox v4.2.2
Full changelog:
- (new) "default tabs" use colors set by color variables (default_tabs_with_colors.css)
- (tweak) classic squared tabs
- (tweak) classic squared tabs australized
- (tweak) photon tabs
- (tweak) tabs below navigation toolbar
- (fix) Fx106: classic squared tabs > pinned tabs in overflow mode
- (fix) Fx106: classic squared tabs australized > pinned tabs in overflow mode
- (fix) Fx106: photon tabs > pinned tabs in overflow mode
[General UI]
- (fix) Fx106: searchbar popup > engines with labels
- (new) hide extensions button (unified_extensions_button_hidden.css)
Custom CSS tweaks for Firefox v4.2.2pre1-3
- (new) "default tabs" use colors set by color variables (default_tabs_with_colors.css)
- (tweak) classic squared tabs
- (tweak) classic squared tabs australized
- (tweak) photon tabs
- (tweak) tabs below navigation toolbar
- (fix) Fx106: classic squared tabs > pinned tabs in overflow mode
- (fix) Fx106: classic squared tabs australized > pinned tabs in overflow mode
- (fix) Fx106: photon tabs > pinned tabs in overflow mode
- (fix) Fx106: searchbar popup > engines with labels
- (new) hide extensions button (unified_extensions_button_hidden.css)
- (tweak) Fx106: searchbar popup > engines with labels
Custom CSS tweaks for Firefox v4.2.1
Full changelog:
- (tweak) tabs below navigation toolbar
- (tweak) classic squared tabs > remove Firefox view button
- (tweak) classic squared tabs australized > remove Firefox view button
- (tweak) photon tabs > remove Firefox view button
- (new) remove Firefox view button for default tabs (tabs_firefox_view_button_hidden.css)
- (tweak) custom button icons > size values
- (tweak) popup icons > zoom controls
- (tweak) popup icons > colorized icons
[Add-on Manager (about:addons)]
- (tweak) alternative appearance / alternative appearance Aero
- (tweak) add-ons manager > show version number
[General UI]
- (tweak) restore default OS accent colors for top toolbars (does not always work properly anymore, use "top toolbar colors" option instead
Custom CSS tweaks for Firefox v4.2.0
Custom CSS tweaks for Firefox v4.2.0
Full changelog:
- (tweak) buttons on navigation toolbar classic appearance
- (tweak) buttons on navigation toolbar classic appearance v2
- (tweak) buttons on navigation toolbar dark appearance
- (tweak) buttons on navigation toolbar glass appearance
- (tweak) buttons on navigation toolbar osx appearance
- (tweak) huge 48x48px buttons
- (tweak) appbutton in titlebar
- (tweak) appbutton in titlebar icon only
- (tweak) appbutton in titlebar icon and label
- (tweak) appbutton on navigation toolbar start position
- (tweak) classic squared tabs
- (tweak) classic squared tabs australized
- (tweak) sidebar > show on hover (support for sidebar on the right)
[web content]
- (tweak) autofill forms > white background color (thanks to krystian3w)
Custom CSS tweaks for Firefox v4.1.9
Full changelog:
- "dropped official" support for Fx 100 and older, use v4.1.8 if on ESR 91.x or Fx 100 or older
- userChrome.css: reorganized / optimized descriptions (suggested by janmaslo)
- userContent.css: reorganized / optimized descriptions (suggested by janmaslo)
- (tweak) appbutton in titlebar (thanks to BowDown097, #469)
- (tweak) appbutton in titlebar icon only (thanks to BowDown097, #469)
- (tweak) appbutton in titlebar icon and label (thanks to BowDown097, #469)
- (tweak) appbutton on navigation toolbar start position (thanks to BowDown097 & Acid-Crash, #469)
- (tweak) classic squared tabs
- (tweak) classic squared tabs australized
- (tweak) photon tabs
- Win7/8 fixes for the changes above
- fix for #469 (comment) (thanks to Jee-Hex)
Custom CSS tweaks for Firefox v4.1.9pre1-2
(fix) Fx 101+: area about tabs in maximized mode
(fix) Fx 101+: menubar position
(fix) Fx 101+: menubar + caption button
Custom CSS tweaks for Firefox v4.1.8
Full changelog:
- fixed wrong file name: toolbar_mode_text_macOS.css
- (tweak) lw-themes + Fx100+: classic squared tabs
- (tweak) lw-themes + Fx100+: classic squared tabs australized
- (tweak) lw-themes + Fx100+: photon tabs
- (fix) Win/Lin + Fx100+: icon+text mode
- (fix) macOS + Fx100+: icon+text mode
- (fix) Win/Lin + Fx100+: text mode
- (fix) macOS + Fx100+: text mode
forgot photon tabs again ;-)
possible glitch with classic squared tabs in some cases