Do not run this in sudo .. for whatever reason you'd want to do that.
- alias rm to mv to tmp
- turn the android studio instructions into a bash file
- add typst to setup
- create AndroidSdk directory
- Download cli tools
- unzip it into AndroidSdk
- in unzipped cmdline-tools create a folder: latest
- move content of cmdline-tools into latest
In most cases you need to install the emulator/platform tools/ndk via the sdkmanager.
sdkmanager --list | grep <NAME YOU ARE LOOKING FOR
You most likely will need to install
sdkmanager emulator
sdkmanager --install "platforms;android-34" "emulator" "build-tools;34.0.0" "ndk;27.0.12077973" "platform-tools" "system-images;android-34;google_atd;x86_64"
Whereas ndk just needs to be the newest version, since it is backward compatible. But platforms and build tools need to match your android version. system-images will be the emulator version and should probably also match the android version you are looking for. After that you need to agree to the licenses with:
sdkmanager --licenses
Create an android virtual device (AVD)
avdmanager create avd -n Android34 -k "system-images;android-34;google_apis;x86_64"
Where Android34 is the name of the avd. more infos here then run it via:
emulator -avd Android34